This picture was taken during the day, you can see sunlight in the background. Unless this picture was taken in the Philippines you are a liar and a fraud.

2.30am/7.30am This is the moment: Trump captures Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes, putting him over the 270 threshold.

2.50am/7.50am Trump takes to the stage in front of his jubilant supporters in New York. “Sorry to keep you waiting, complicated business,” he says. “Thank you very much.” He congratulates Clinton on a hard-fought campaign and pledges to be “a president for all Americans”.

It's because they are really big and loud and covered with neck and arm tattoos.


Sell the rental property and pay off your debts and mortgage on the house you live in. You will have close to 100k left over that you can put in the bank and be 100% debt free with a 165k income. In 2-3 years when you have to move you will have a 300k house to sell plus whatever you have piled up in the bank. This is a no brainer !

Stop borrowing money ! Between your 2 mortgages and credit card you are paying 17,000 a year in interest.

I grew up on the East coast in the 80s and Speedos were worn by European and Canadian tourist. We were wearing O.P. and Jams bathing suits if I remember correctly.

He is probably a scammer and she will eventually send him money.

Give your mom access to your phone so she can see whatever you do on your phone.

You see she was gonna be an actress
And I was gonna learn to fly
She took off to find the footlights
And I took off to find the sky

And here, she's acting happy
Inside her handsome home
And me, I'm flying in my taxi
Taking tips
(And getting stoned!)

Taxi by Harry Chapin

If you have no desire to get married and raise children than this is as good as it gets. Keep working and focus on your career and your dog and save for retirement and you can collect social security in 40 years. Try to budget some money for weekend getaways and hot girl summer trips while you are still young. Over the next 5 years save some side hustle money for a down payment on a small one bedroom condo that you can pay off over the next 30 years and this will give you a paid off condo to retire in. The good thing about condos is you don't have to mow a lawn or shovel snow.

Tell him to be a stay at home dad and you can work two jobs.

Not all, but most nurses are miserable because they make more money than their husbands.

Couldn't you leave the seat up if your squatting ?

If your fit, feminine and friendly he will probably fall in love and want to get married.

Unless a man wants non bastard children, there is nothing a wife can provide that a girlfriend can not.

Tell your husband to work overtime or to get a second job to knock out the rest of the debt. Do not move in with your MIL !

Side effect from Covid Vaccine, if unvaccinated get tested for Lyme disease or Mononucleosis.

She is 31 and running out of time, You are 29 and just starting to peak. Sounds like you dodged a bullet.

How did Cassie look ?