Then allow ME to point out the obvious.

Vs a CONVICTED felon, rapist, alleged child rapist who actively sundowns during rallies, who was "sarcastic' during an international health crisis telling people to ingest disinfectant and shine cancer causing light into their bodies.

Oh yeah star presidential candidate there.

Why defend the rapist/fraud/traitor?

Seriously, how can you defend someone who is 1) guilty of election fraud (stormy Daniels case) and guilty of sexual assault/rape (Jean Carroll case).

What type of person are you where you can go "yeah that's my guy"

"both sides" screamed the embarrassed Trumper

If Trump loses, his dementia-riddled ass would do that too tbh.

Learn consent dumbass.

Like prepared sauces or just pureed tomatoes?

I just use a tin of pureed tomatoes+ a bit of tomato paste+ herbs (I grow basil, oregano, thyme).

That plus sauteed veg and Italian sausage does pretty good for me.

PSA: sexual advances without consent is NOT locker room talk.

An actual example of locker room talk is stuff like "Betty has some nice bazoombas".

Again, why does the Maga crowd grasp at straws, pussies etc, but cannot grasp consent?

Why the hell is that such a difficult concept for you? Were you dropped as a baby or something?

I have not bragged about sexually assaulting anyone because I don't sexually assault people.

If I grab someone by the pussy I have consent.

Why the fuck is consent a concept you don't seem to grasp?

See, the fact that you think "grab the pussy" is nothing just shows what kind of person you are

Hell, the fact that you worship a convicted.felom/rapist shows what kind of person you are.

Fuck off Trumper. Have a fun identity crisis when both the cult and Trump's brain dissolves

A clarification from the the Judge for trumpers like you

"Trump appealed and made an unsuccessful counterclaim. In July, Judge Kaplan clarified that the jury had found that Trump had raped Carroll according to the common definition of the word. In August 2023, Kaplan dismissed a countersuit and wrote that Carroll's accusation of "rape" is "substantially true"."

You're very welcome.

I know. My point to the Trumper was to think. But I guess if that happened, they wouldn't be a Trumper.

But yes, for any law it's important to think of both use AND abuse.

"Supreme Court grants Biden immunity" Think about THAT for a second Trumper

Haven't ditched, just never had a car in the first place. Work downtown and live near skytrains. Evo car share takes care of the rest.


By not voting you're effectively shoving your vote up your ass.

Because the Maga crowd will vote and then some.

Possibly the manual is available online. Somewhere on the machine would be a label with the model number.

Likely it's in a bad state electronically and needs a hard reset. Which could actually be pressing all the buttons (or more likely power and something simultaneously.

Sorry I can't help but including the model number and what type of machine it is would help.

It's telling you to push ALL the buttons.

Evil triumph when good people do nothing.

No vote = vote for Trump.

"both sides" screamed the embarrassed Trumper.

Lol both actually. So stormy Daniels case was election fraud

Jean Carroll was rape/sexual assault

And before you say "It WaS a CiViL cAsE" The only reason it was, was due to the statute of limitations, which means if you defend him, you're okay with rape as long as it happened some time ago.

So choose your words carefully Trumper.