Neuroradiologist PGY-9

As a neuroradiologist, can I say all of them? Bump on neck. Squishy. Probable lipoma. US. Ok fine. Yep lipoma. Get a ct? Come on, ok, maybe they have some concerning symptom. Dammit. Just stop

Following TR3 thyroid nodules for 10 years. Sample it or fucking stop.

I had to stop mentioning developmental venous anomalies for one neurologist because she kept sending them to neurosurgery. That would be his answer to this question.

Although radiologists not looking at priors causing unneeded followup is also very annoying. Indeterminant renal Lesion Rec fu ct or Mr? You mean for that leaion that was already characterized 3 years ago with one of those? You dick.

This is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever read on this sub. The fuck is wrong with people upvoting trash like this?

I agree she should have left. You can’t stay with someone that mocks you so easily. It will only build resentment. But his, I know people that take motivational quotes to heart like this and they can be an absolute handful.

Ancient Chinese Curse: "May you achieve your dreams."

Because afterwards its like, now what?

If Biden is likely to lose, Harris is guaranteed.

The real problem is that it will be perceived as weakness to change candidates and that I’ll be hard to shake out of the 24/7 hate news cycle no Matter who runs. I’d vote for pretty much any of the main replacements, probably any of them realistically given the alternative is the death of our nation

Debate changed nothing for me and the majority, but those fickle whiners in the middle don’t want Joe stuttering through another term because it looks bad even if his policies are 10000% better than project 2025.

Yeah they don’t want a true progressive because they’re not electable. These people may poll well it redditors or your friend group but would not win a general. Independents don’t want that level of shift given inflation, debt, and cultural issues.

And replace him it’s fucking who exactly? Harris? Fuck. Off. I’d vote for just about any candidate other than Trump but I don’t see a realistic replacement this late. Newsom/Buttigeg?

lol, she always looked like one of the moms to me. Doesn’t help that her character acted like that, from what I remember anyway

I voted for Donald Trump. And I'll do it again.

Fucking sick...

The strange thing about franchises is that they can have such huge swings in quality, it is totally possible they got together a group, new producers and writers. Gareth Edwards has been hit or miss. I enjoyed Rogue One. Also, Spielberg is producing. If he can collaborate well with Edwards, this could be good.

That said, if JP movies were a stock, I would be shorting the fuck outta them after the last 3 movies.

The only weird thing is her reaction to this. Most humans would think this is a lovely thing and you're a good guy for stepping up for your niece all these years.

Something is wrong with your wife.

Probably has a net worth cut off or minimum number of followers. People can be such cunts

Does not remotely ring true. Main character syndrome if poster isn’t trolling

I get strong main character syndrome with this if it’s even true. Makes zero sense and doesn’t seem remotely likely unless they live in DINktown USA and lied on their application to get a condo there

This is going to be harsh but, fucking what? I don’t know where you live, but I don’t fucking believe this for a second. This is some internalized guilt or psychological issue. People are definitely not staring at you all the time feeling sorry for you. That is literally insane and main character shit

Even with Abreu, hitting was top 3. The second pitching stopped being fucking horrific and at least average, they were gonna bounce.

Forced birthers do t care about suffering or death or cost. The question for them is, were more viable babies born than otherwise would have been? If so, then they will feel 100% justified.

The cruelty is beyond measure.

Depends but probably if I can shoot logo 3s and he’s guarding off. I guarantee I can hit at least 1 in 100.

If he’s face guarding I’d have to get lucky with a stumble or a pump fake. Otherwise he’d probably block everything

I like to think that the Tesla cybertruck has AI in it. After listening to this asshole spew hot political garbage at his 2yo in the car for 4 hrs it decided the best thing for humanity was to drive him into a solid structure and then send data to Tesla telling them it was his fault.