Oh yeah. If they gain power I’m sure they’ll have a wonderful re-education center, run by Steve Bannon, that will set me straight.

New to 702

Well it cost them $5.40 to make so 10x margin is fair.


He did a brilliant WWII miniseries last year, “All the light we cannot see.”

Imma tell my grandkids these are Hermoine’s parents.

I wonder if he’ll try to get back in once he’s paroled?

I start with this work about 50% of the time. Guess what I didn’t start with today? I hate my life.

Scoredle 2/6*

🟨🟩🟨🟩⬛ (1)

I rotate between starting words. Guess what I didn’t use. FML

It’s the most traditional Bond movie of the Craig era.

I get that CR is faithful to the book, but it doesn’t fit the movie mold as closely as QoS. Not saying that as a good or bad thing, just an observation.

You answered your own question - you don’t know how things work in the US.

Texas would respond by splitting into 5 states (although I think it would be 3/2 split for Republicans and Democrats. I’m guessing something similar for the UK.

I think by this ruling SCOTUS is foreshadowing the ruling they will be handing down once the dictatorship is in place in January: hunting the homeless for sport will now be legalized.

Also, “homeless” under this definition will include POC and anyone who doesn’t have a MAGA sticker on their car if they are out In public. Because how is a god-fearing Patriot supposed to know if that person has a home or not?

It reminds me of this skitabout 2 cavemen attending Bronze Age orientation day.

And unsafe and insane illegal fireworks will be fired off nonstop in my neighborhood because f**k vets and pets and people who have jobs.

Bring in a car salesman to demonstrate how he effs over people for a living.

Get a 2nd opinion

And they still want to do surgery? Am I missing something?

I’m in healthcare, work in OD/OE and do not report up to HR. Over the years I have partnered with them and butted heads with them, but have always reported up to the Ops leadership.

Yes. And get a second opinion!

Sorry you’ve had to join. Lots and lots of good advice on this sub. Worth scrolling through to see. Best wishes in your fight!

You need to get out fast as you can. Look for an individual contributor role that pays you what your worth.

I think about that every time I hear “The Warrior” on the radio. My recollection is that the shooter had that playing during the massacre. (I could be misremembering though).