I get it man. That feeling like it's all so fucking simple. It's right there and we just can't do it. But in a lot of ways trying to put it to word feels very r/im14andthisisdeep

I can't really explain it, just can say the feeling is not unique - it's a strong sense of togetherness and loss of self, which can be difficult to Interpret further. It's best to just take it at face value. Reflect on how you felt and what that should mean in the real world.

Is it some cosmic truth we uncover? Maybe. But in the end it doesn't matter except for what it changes with how we think and act.

Just let him.

My 18.5 year old that just passed absolutely loved my hair, from the day I got him at like 6 weeks old. Sleeping on my shoulder in the hair was his comfort spot.

I can't believe Uecker is still calling games so well. He sounds the same as when I was 5 years old (34). Such a boss.

It's cuz the Caleb hype is absurd. So for a brief time here, FTP has competition from annoying ass Bears fans thinking Williams is going to be an automatic hero.

Bears still suck and will fail, and by year's end everyone will be blaming Eberflus, and Caleb will get a reset next year, ad naseum, per Bears SOP.

Cue the next one in a couple years.

I used to hype Deadwood to people by saying it's the best opening scene I've ever seen. Really sets the tone - we don't f around in the old west.

I think its one of Seth's best scenes in the series and really shows you his character in a lot of ways in a short time.

Hello, hello, hello, hello.

That's Reddit for ya! Good job on the costume, regardless. Ignore the dummies.

Yiga and Stalnox are my go tos

I assume he just means Randy and Stan are the Trey persona characters.

I just bought a box at Costco yesterday.

Maybe but it could have stricter rules like anything without any math or physics in the post is deleted.

My point, again, is that anyone backpacking should be prepared for not only mildly cool temp like 50F, but in reality, should have clothes available for much colder than that. So it blows my mind someone could be backpacking and complaining about freezing when it's not even cold.

You never know what you will encounter.

It blows my mind. Do you think 65F is hot, too?

Lol. Sure. Anyone who is BACKPACKING and unprepared for a temp 15 degrees ABOVE freezing is woefully unprepared to backpack.

50F is a reasonable temp to encounter practically anywhere on the planet.

It's literally t-shirt and shorts weather here in WI.

I get some people are cold at 50 if they live in a warm areas, but it's objectively a mild temperature and requires like 2 thin layers or 1 heavy layer like, idk, a jacket? Did OP not even have a jacket? Sweatshirt? Something? Who is backpacking and doesn't at least have clothes suitable for 50 fucking degrees?

Lol. I'm saying 50F/10C is not "very cold" by any estimation. All you need to have is literally 1 moderately heavy layer like a sweater and you're fine.

If you are backpacking and "freezing" when stuck in 10C, then you were terribly unprepared.

No way dude I literally just did that trail as an overnight on mon/tue. Had done it like 3 years ago as well, stayed at a different camp this time (the first one if you do the loop counter-clockwise).

Amazing trail. I love that it's practically unmarked/unblazed except old decrepit signs at the intersections.

I wanted to find a different loop this year but the only one I found was a bit too long for the time I had.

10C, 50F whatever you call it, that's like light sweatshirt weather, not freezing. Like literally water wouldn't even freeze. Anyone backpacking should be completely prepared for that "extreme" temp for a few hours.

Doesn't matter which part, though people will say it does.

Bon voyage.

Are you locked in a freezer? Google says it's 54F there.

I mean yeah, me too, but I'm poor.

Well then don't do that. OP has a Uhaul.

It's all the stations owned by Sinclair.