Are these her sisters? This is sooo crazy considering this mag has always sexualized woman. SI should be ashamed of themselves and parents as well.

Add bushes, some flowers in landscaping and pots on porch, and I’d like to see a tree in the front yard.

I got them once, while I liked the way they looked it was too much up keep/maintenance. I also didn’t like that I had to be so careful with them in the shower, taking off eye shadow/liner and sleeping. Too much work for me to deal with it!

This is giving me Deja Vu for some reason. Thinking late 70s/early 80s. I’ve seen this before as a kid.

Is that Michael Meyers?

Why is he always around all her friends and no other guys are ever around? Seems very strange to me. He needs to get a life for god’s sake!

I mean, it’s a valid point. You don’t want to be dripping stuff on the floor. That’s the first thing I noticed. lol

Very nice but how do you reach the toilet paper?

Seek help for this child immediately.

I think they only mean if you’re exposed to a lot of light indoors.

Definitely creepy. Just a question, is it possible someone hacked into your cameras and is messing around with you? I'd change my password and see if it continues.

4! What are you thinking for front door? I think classic black would look nice.

Ok, I’m saving this thread and adding some to these to my “to watch” list!

I saved my wedding dress. I know my daughters will probably will never want it but it can always be repurposed later for something they can use in their wedding. Like I used my mother’s as a wrap around my bridal bouquet and the rest of it was used as a lining in my daughter’s bassinet. Just a thought.

For myself, It hurts like hell even after numbing. Just breathe through it.

We call this a laundry tub. This looked like my grandparents tub back when I was a kid.

Maybe it was a home to a Black Panther party member back in the day.

I left to go get to an appt but stopped to go get a smoothie beforehand. I then drove back home and completely forgot about the appt until I got a call from them asking me where i am… 🥹

Wouldn’t be great if it threw in a load of laundry also?

1000% not complying with any mandates. F them and their BS