You know you can have fun without polluting environment and hurting wildlife and people that are old or mentally fragile?

big babies when they can't have their sparkly sparks (on their way to shit their diaper)

Would you be so brave to tell that to my friends in person? The ones who lived under Yanukovych's reign, that the coup was NATO backed up and not a sign of people's free will? People having had enough of the puppet russian government? 1944 has so much to do with the current war that opposing Russians today is similar to opposing Nazis back then. Not equal, because today's Russia ain't no third Reich, but still similar.

If all goes according to the schedule then yes, but you also should keep your pace. One can get lost in the undergrounds.

"Hey, I ran out of arguments, can you take my place or tell me what to say?"

Because you bought it without a seat. So gotta stand or find an empty seat until its owner boards the train. During one of my many travels this way I found an empty 1st class compartment that was closed, and the conductor opened it for us when we asked for it, with no additional payment (we bought 2nd class tickets). So maybe you'll get lucky too :D

Get over here! :scorp1::scorp2::toasty:

To be honest this season I only cared about Street Reptile and OoD Smoke skins, haven't even fought the season boss. Oby przyszły sezon był lepszy :D

It crashes when I alt tab, what's here not to understand?

Quite pricey is an understatement XD

I've been there on friday (and going tomorrow ofc) so can answer any questions you might have. I don't want to get banned, so let's just say I hope that Live Nation directors stand on a lego brick barefoot for the rest of their lives. They updated the rules without telling anyone (I'm not sure it's legal), two months ago, and only for Warsaw. This is outrageous, even though doesn't bother me that much as I live a short walk from the stadium so just carried keys and wallets in my pockets. And there is no way I'm paying 50 fucking złoty for a storage that Live Nation isn't responsible for in case anything gets lost. I was at bigger concerts and there were no such ridiculous requirements. I advise you to leave your stuff at your place if you can and just use pockets or a fanny pack. From what I read everything depended on stewards if you were allowed to come with a baggage or not, but most of them accepted fanny packs. Btw, are you going for general admission or seats?

Are there any mods to change/remove cars from GTA? I hate cars and can't stand their models and sounds 😭

I did part-time studies on the New Media Arts Department, Degree in Graphic Design, Specialisation Computer Visualization. And it was a valuable experience those few years, but in the end I could have spent that money better. From what I heard from my friends there, full-time IT studies are the only degree worth studying there, and the main reason why this Academy has such a good reputation. But avoid English speaking degrees, they're worse and students are self entitled af.

Get over here! :scorp1::scorp2::toasty:

You can see it's a man


Most private universities are mediocre at best here, I'm saying that after graduating PJAIT. Go for SGH. And learn Polish, it'll make your life easier.

Get over here! :scorp1::scorp2::toasty:

Some Lin Kuei engineer

Bro, it's a river. If not the current then all the contamination in the river will kill it

Haven't had that question either. The only sex related questions are if my sexual partner ever had jaundice and if I have changed sexual partners in the last 6 months.