Wtf. This dude just lit me on fire. I'm burning someone help. I'll help, now I'm on fire, what about all the children I'll never have.

Can you hold my nuclearmissile while i go to the restroom

There's no going back once you cross that line

Okay. Make camp till nightfall and all the people are gone. Then you cross. And you wont risk the thing snapping midway.

May you should get that looked at lmao. I think your dog is broken

As a dane I never understood why you don't build your houses out of bricks

That looks sinister the way its just crawling down like a finger to wreack havoc and chaos

Looks like a caraccidents got into you today. Hope everyones okay

The stupidity. Would anyone try to make lion a vegetarian. Did'nt think so. They developed to eat meat. Not salad. Same with any predetor. They developed to eat meat. Not plants. Plants does'nt give them to nutrient they need. Stop trying to make your pets fit your lafe choises. You knew when you bought the dog its a predetor that's developed to eat meat for nutritents. You can not change thousands of years of evolution. Or are you a evolution denier too

I told her not to do it. But I guess she could'nt hear me as it's a recording. But that a her problem.

Yes I voted. For whom. I have'nt the slightest idea

Oh yeah let's splash this flammable liquid all over the place. What ever could go wrong.

Are you sure that ever was a car.

So atheism comes from sience. Okay

It should'nt be that easy to contaminate a city's water supply

De er sikkert korrekte. Jeg kender flere der har under 15000kr udbetalt om måneden. Det er jo et gennemsnit

I have. But they were togethdr with another mm. And two cm. So I'm not sure if it counts

It should be moral is good. Double morals are double as good. Welcome to Denmark