Air quality in Altadena is good? I lived in Pasadena near the Altadena border and it wasn’t good. Could you provide some background on that? Genuinely curious

That’s why I’ve gone back to bars of soap. Also hates cleaning the gunk from the bottles every time I needed a refill

We did this a couple of weeks ago for our 15 year old dog. His anxiety about going to the vet in the past couple of years made home euthanasia necessary but I’m so glad we did it that way. We scheduled it with the vet about one month in advance (one family member lives far away so we needed time for them to get here). Our dog was a very anxious guy so we gave him some trazadone a couple of hours before at the vet’s direction. He passed surrounded by his family giving him all the affection and telling him how much we love him. I’m still a wreck but have some peace knowing we were with him until the end. The hardest part was making the decision to euthanize him, it is so hard to let go even when you can see that they are suffering.

Shocking how few women are on the first few pages of

I have zero problem putting this one on the white man. Western society’s obsession with distinguishing oneself from others and perfection is psychically damaging, and is directly responsible for the profound sense of alienation that so many people feel corriente these days

It is awful. For the first week or so I just wallowed in the grief. Too hard not to. Try to stay busy, and avoid (if you can) significant places. I can’t walk in my neighborhood right now because after 3 walks a day with my dog for years, every bush, tree, fence, etc reminds me of him. Time will dull the pain

Thanks! I definitely need to be more proactive

I am on day 6 of the worst sinus infection I have ever had and I’m 54 and I’ve had plenty. Doc says it’s a virus. I cannot decongest my head, no matter what I do. I’m also moving tomorrow so it is extra sucky. Allergies were really bad this spring so I think that just laid the groundwork for this virus

I went through this one week ago. Have gone from constant crying to only a couple of times a day. Just think about what a wonderful life you had together. Nothing can take that away.

We put our beloved almost 16 year old dog down for much the same reasons last week. I’ve been crying nonstop, I miss him so much. But he was in pain and there wasn’t anything to be done that wouldn’t involve intervention that the vet advised against because of his age. It really sucks though. What wouldn’t I do to scratch his chin one more time…

I’d suggest you walk the city and see for yourself, the good old fashioned way

All of my teacher friends are retiring or close to it. I’m envious but I know how hard you have worked, so you deserve it!

Also I’m a landlord and would never disclose information about my current tenant’s profession like this. So many red flags in this one

We did this yesterday. Our sweet boy was 15 and a half years old, and watching him decline with the same issues you mention was heartbreaking. But not as heartbreaking as knowing we will never see him again. Our family of four is devastated. There’s a bit of comfort in knowing we did the best we could for him for so many years (he was about a month old, stray on the streets of a large South American city when we found him), but no matter what you decide, it’s just super painful. Make sure to give yourself space and time for the grief

But really high compared to the rest of us who don’t work in biotech or tech!

On top of that it was played incessantly on the radio for many years! Whyyyyyyyy

Great list! I nominate Missing You by John Waite. Egads that song is terrible

My parents are in their early 80s and are going downhill so rapidly it’s shocking. And they aren’t happy about it, and I’m on the receiving end of a lot of their frustration. I guess this is nature preparing me for their eventual death. I am learning some lessons about how not to live the end of life but the physical part is pretty overwhelming.

I’ve lived in the Bay Area most of my life (I’m in my 50s) and also lived in LA for 8 years. LA is a much better place to live than it is to visit, and not hellish once you get to know it.