hi all! I’m currently completing my collection of 5e titles—primarily thanks to saving years and years of book gift cards as bonuses from my job. I cannot stress enough this is ‘fake’ money, of which I have an absurd amount, so cost isn’t really a factor here. there’s a pretty limited use for these cards, which is why I’ve decided to complete my 5e collection.

I know Tyranny of Dragons repackages Rise of Tiamat and Hoard of the Dragon Queen; less of a redesign and more a rewrapping is what I understand from what I’ve read.

what I can’t find is information about the specific content inside those books. what from RoT and HotDQ makes it into Tyranny? what did they leave on the cutting room floor? in an ideal world I’d have all three books and compare them page-by-page.

unfortunately since Rise of Tiamat is OOP, I need to decide which books I want before I order them. I am able to order a (used) Rise of Tiamat, but since it’s from the used market, I have to pay for it upfront. I have no problem doing so (again, with my truly absurd amount of fake bonus money) but I’d like to know how much inside the boards is duplicated material.
