I had her served with divorce papers. The laws in my state are old and adultery is still cause. He was still wealthy…then. He could have just left quietly, but he cleaned out all of our accounts, and that was just the beginning. I knew nothing would happen to her, of course, but they were both in the public eye and she WAS someone I tried to help. Instead she helped herself to my husband. Natural Consequences. No regrets. Not one.

That was her point. It didn’t last. lol Good for you dude…🤞😂

The majority of us older folks have been there. Unfortunately, some of us conveniently don’t recall the struggle of newly adulting. My 20’s were spent figuring stuff out. It’s really okay to not know where you’re headed. Discounting feelings due to someone’s age is simple ignorant and stereotypical “kids these days…INSERT BULLSHIT STATEMENT.” Some of us haven’t yet succumbed to being crusty af and can relate to where you’re coming from. 💛

haha…some b.s. sentence about your post being “interesting from the perspective of the dumpee”. You laid your f@cking heart out and I just thought it was an insensitive response. Clearly someone with narcissistic tendencies since he felt the need to run away in the face of criticism.

…and when you’re 20, you only know what you know. Pain is pain.

I get it, and most of the time I’ve been searching for some kind of “path” it has generally stemmed from a place of pain. I just stumbled on this sub, so I appreciate the forewarning because I too am looking for more positivity.

I had a friend who was an ancestor of an accused Salem Witch. Her entire family practiced generationally. She used to bait her back yard with something to attract a them to her backyard. She lived in a pretty affluent neighborhood and it really freaked her neighbors out. They didn’t know about the bait. 😂

Please hang on, my friend. It’s SO HARD in the beginning, but you have to find a way to dig deeper into yourself than you ever have before. You have to tell yourself you are worthy of more, even when you don’t believe it. It’s the worst pain in the world, and I’ve had some pretty gnarly trauma in my lifetime. You can get through this. You will laugh again. You are one of many of us. You are not alone.

My god, is this your first time exposed to this side? I imagine you’re on the other since you seem to present that so callously. They describe it EXACTLY as it is. You can feel every nerve in your being crumble into a pile of nothingness. Sheer hopelessness, praying every night you won’t wake up in the morning, begging for an ounce of mental peace. It’s F@cking torture.

seasonal part-time positions in east bumf@ck are not attracting experts on social etiquette here. Many are homeless living in the campground for the concert series. Enjoy what you’re there for…there are people starving for crissakes. You have funds for a night out. They aren’t out there in that weather because of the pay or benefits. Calm yourself, your entitlement is showing, and it’s giving major GARY!

Thank goodness I won’t likely be here for it, or at least not cognizant of it.

That f@cking jello mold shit…whoever you are, just stop!

I put a little bit of peanut butter on practically everything that I don’t consume in a restaurant.

threw them in a buskers tip jar outside the courthouse the day it was finalized.

Oh yeah! I sued hubby AND the affair partner sending her a message that if she wanted to be a part of my marriage, she may as well be a part of my divorce. I did it for the principal of it. I’m not a woman she will likely forget. lol

For me, I was so over the b.s. I just didn’t care. She is much younger and his health is going down the shitter, so she basically gained a geriatric burden. I’m so committed to building an independent life without him. In the moments I do get nostalgic for the best of him/us, I just remember the horrible way he treated me and how I lost myself in all of it. I thank God everyday that’s not my future.