Alright give me a couple mins I can hop on and get you it

Sorry just saw this, do you still need it?

Just saw this lol, did you get one or still need?

I got one, what's your psn?

I sent you a friend req on psn can I get it too?

Awesome, sent a friend req

If you got this I'd like to buy it as well

I want this as well, drop your psn?

There's no evidence or suggestion that he ever went to Greece, and olives originated in a Mediterranean climate, so it's not weird at all

I think he might. We know Kratos was more open about his past after GOW 2018. In Valhalla once Kratos meets Helios, he writes that he was one he never told Atreus about, implying he HAS told Atreus about others. Also, in Ragnarök during the visit to the Norns during Kratos' vision when he sees Atreus fleeing to Odin, vision Atreus says "He killed his own family" while stating that Kratos is a monster. Now granted I know this is merely a vision, but why would the vision manifest Atreus saying something he knows nothing about? Also the fact that Mimir has known since 2018 (remember in Hel he called Kratos the Ghost of Sparta, a name he only had because he killed his family), and Kratos told Freya as well in Vanaheim. I do believe Kratos at some point told Atreus that he once had another family that he was tricked into killing, which is why he started to kill gods. But that's just my opinion


They can't enjoy it because they're the ones GTA mocks

Tyr being a god of war clearly has immense physical strength, being able to catch a Kratos punch one handed.

As well as that, he has countless magic powers from his time traveling across not only the nine realms but to other lands such as Greece, Egypt, Asia, and other lands with other pantheons where he learned foreign magic.

Tyr also is a great unifier who was such a threat to Odin he had to imprison him until Asgard was destroyed during Ragnarök.

Based on all of these factors, he is one of the most powerful gods in the series. He may not beat the brute strength of the likes of Thor, but his magic and knowledge of the world makes him incredibly powerful

Ugh, I have left stick drift in my controller rn and just did a playthrough recently. This was the only mission I had to skip parts of bc I kept failing

I checked in my story mode and I don't have the option to use either the spartan rage or the outfit

How do you get the blade in the main story after you finish the dlc?