At the end they pop a piece out quite easily, they probably had them out at one time and just put them back in that way.

Am I eating onion? It tastes so onion..

Dodge the red light, ram the stretcher.

lol aKchewalee YOU don't k Le how government works. They put all of the tax choins into a bucket and say "we work for the candyiens" and then the budget balances itself. Fuck off hoser.

No. What does bipartisanship have to do with it? Just answer the question, instead of trying to plough past it with this weak and irrelevant rhetoric.

I'm so sick of this non-answer rhetoric spewing insult to our intelligence. This is a garbage answer. Answer the question. Be accountable and answer the fucking question. Do you think we can't tell that you didn't answer the question? It's so pathetically spineless and weak and I can't stand the idea of someone who would non-answer a question in this fashion representing me in any way ever. Horrible.

Finally, an entry point.

Vancouver... where's your hockey team? 🏌️‍♂️

As an Oilers fan this is really funny.

"If you have the superior asset it's going up forever, Laura. Forever."

The execution of the turn was illegal. They did not come to a complete stop at the intersection and they did not turn into the correct lane. I'd bet they didn't use their indicator, either.

Dang this guy just single handedly blew an entire country's license to shit on American intelligence.

Because the world needs dicks, Chuck!

"The budget will balance itself" -some clown

I'm not from Texas I had to google for context that the vote today was on medical exceptions specifically. This position is much more difficult to defend as "pro-life" and I think it likely appeals to a religious dogma. I'm still not going to demonize people who think that, but it is an opinion I find highly distasteful.

I'm just pointing out that it logically follows that the side of the argument that believes that abortion is murder will want to see it met with the same penalty. This idea of controlling women's bodies is a straw man. Categorically. It is a logical error in arguments similar to saying 1+1=3 is an error in math.Trying to ascribe some sort of malicious ulterior motive when the entailment of these peoples stated belief is logically congruent is simply incorrect at best. What is the point you're trying to make?

No. They believe that abortion is murder. If you murder you get the death penalty in Texas. Their beliefs are categorically congruent here. The root of this issue has and always will be "does a life start when sperm touches egg". Very classic difference in fundamental beliefs. What you have posted here is a strawman fallacy, and is a detriment to the quality of the conversation on the topic for both sides.