I feel like a lot of people didn’t clock, “Plus, I’m really…flexible,” in their first conversation.

Oh, that’s an interesting perspective. You believe it’s intentional. I don’t agree with that outlook myself, but it certainly explains your position.

Me, I believe that in other spaces, the good faith criticisms get mixed in with the many obviously bigoted ones—motivated by race, gender, sexuality—so it becomes hard to tell the difference. Then, out of self-preservation, some of the show’s fans conflate benign criticism with bigotry-motivated criticism.

It’s too bad that the internet turns everything into “my side versus your side” when there’s obviously nuance at play too. Thanks for answering!

Is accidentally accusing people of bigotry really “just as bad” as bigotry?

Since Indara is the only person Mae directly killed (I would call Torbin’s death indirect), I have a feeling that next episode we’re going to find out that Indara did something truly unforgivable.

He Servants of the Empire is a fun, quick read. Especially for Rebels fans.

I’m half through with FC myself. I like how it ties into all three trilogies, plus deeper cuts like The Legends of Luke Skywalker. I don’t know where it’s going, but it’s certainly a fun ride.

No thanks. I don’t want to go to therapy. I’ve seen Dear Evan Hansen.

I think some readers might sleep on Rebel Rising because it’s YA, but reading it made me appreciate Rogue One much more by filling in Jyn Erso’s backstory.

I like Mae! She was nice to Bazil!

She tortures helpless animals

People seem to forget that Osha did it first.

Can you elaborate on the differences in filming style? I love film, but I haven’t studied it formally, so I don’t really know what people consider good or bad quality.

“Osha! Remember when you joined the Jedi Order even though you were older than most Padawans and were grieving the loss of your sister and the rest of your family in a fire?”

(Still love the show though)

I love the mystery elements that keep our conversations going week to week. I haven’t been this excited to debate, discuss, and theorize in a Disney+ show since WandaVision.

Oh I see. I’ve been assuming for weeks that the flashback won’t be revisited until ep 7, since 3 and 7 are the same director. But yeah, if you think the flashback is coming, I can see how that could be unsatisfying.

I fear Mae is only a small part of her Master’s larger plan. A plan that is difficult to see. Some sort of shift. Something to tip the scales.

-Vernestra to Sol, Episode 4

I fear Mae is only a small part of her Master’s larger plan. A plan that is difficult to see. Some sort of shift. Something to tip the scales.

-Vernestra to Sol, Episode 4

Even Game of Thrones used to cut away on recaps iirc

I was satisfied with the episode, but I think I get what you’re saying. Before I speculate, would you care to elaborate on what makes it feel that way?

I don’t think it was Ahch-To, but I think it was intentionally reminiscent of Ahch-To to parallel Rey’s relationship to Luke.