...why? If I can buy fireworks year round in Missouri then I can just buy them in January or February for the threepeat and still shoot off a bunch now. 

Wait, the navigation table actually does something? I figured it was just a cosmetic thing...that's actually cool to know. 

Still quite the leap to "legally mandating all registered Democrats be killed."

Which is the point you're missing here...OP's post is dripping with fear-mongering for the average person and not someone who's sitting in an elected office. 

You should provide the exact quote then, because I'm guessing you're referring to his lawyer responding to a question from a judge that was this, essentially. 

"Can a president have Seal Team 6 kill a political rival and be prosecuted?" To which the lawyer responded "Yes, after said president was impeached."

So, again, it seems like fear-mongering is spreading. Unless you'd like to provide the quote in question?? 

I mean...it's quite a line to jump to have a sitting president order the death of all registered political opponents...

There's nothing wrong with calling out fear-mongering which is exactly what OP's post is, fear-mongering. 

I stopped watching the episode they had a wrestler come on & get beaten by Maggie Siff's character...no, just no. Plus it was clearly horrendously practiced & choreographed...just bad all around. 

Also, Noah Syndergaard an MLB pitcher did too as one of the soldiers during the loot train battle if I remember right. I think he was one of them that got turned to ash by Drogon but I'm not sure. 

Both those shows knew exactly what they were doing by bringing those two in... I'm sure they got quite a few views from people who couldn't care less about the show but watched because they hated those two individuals and wanted to see them fail. 

Staff Accountant

In high school one of my male teachers asked one of the girls students "...are you trying to show off your legs more?" Because she was wearing short shorts or whatever, she said yes I think and he literally "well, you have nice legs." And I knew the teacher fairly well and I want to give him the benefit of the doubt that was trying to just give genuine compliment but man...it came off incredibly creepy and inappropriate. The guy was probably a few years from retirement so you can guess his age a bit. 

Staff Accountant

The partner that reviewed my work always wanted the paper copy of the return to review, didn't use Teams or similar messenger service, and we only scanned documents...after the return was done. It was a smaller firm, but still...and this was 2 years ago. 

But he did...he sold himself to David despite his historical performance. I've seen people get sales and consulting jobs in less so, it's not exactly outside the realm of possibility. 

That's not really fair. The difference realistically is when you get the MBA - if you do it straight out school, then yes, you're more likely to be a "Ryan" type but if you're already in your career & you're getting to advance with a practical application like finance, accounting, data analytics, etc. then you're a lot better off. 

Honestly, Season 7 while not great is at least manageable until the ridiculous, unnecessary, and just stupid Wight Caper beyond the wall. Every stupid thing horrendous thing that occurs in Season 8, which is pretty much everything, is set in motion because of that Wight Caper. 

The Night King had no way south the Wall until a dragon fell into his lap. Seriously, until the Wight Caper the threat from the White Walkers ended at the Wall. No real threat from the Night King means Dany still has her 3 dragons & the majority of her army. She doesn't turn crazy & pressure the Lannisters into surrendering instead of conquering Kings Landing. Jon can stay in the North as King or at the very least he doesn't immediately bend the knees to Dany despite his heritage, Bran, Sansa, deaths, etc. etc. 

The Wight Caper was the narrative turning point of no hope unfortunately. 

Amazon, Netflix, and Disney are all putting out more new content though...most of those shows you posted for Max have long since aired their final seasons. I counted - 25 shows no longer airing new episodes out of the 35 listed. You can't depend on 71% old and ended content & think you can maintain/grow subscribers. Even the more niche streaming sites like Crunchyroll and Shudder add new & original content to entice continual subscriptions. 

How about invest in more content and stop cancelling beloved shows?

You think lack of content is the issue? No, there's plenty of content, it's just most of it isn't appealing to the audience so the money spent on it becomes a huge black hole. Look at The Witcher for example that show costs a ton to create but they've completely alienated the audience to the point where the were advertising season 3 by saying "Henry Cavill is still playing Geralt of Rivia this season" to entice viewership. While also tacitly admitting the future seasons won't be very enticing to the audience. 

You can liquidate your home pretty easily right now, weird point to make on your end. 

I did, they're still major competitors that either Mastercard or Visa would love to pull people away toward themselves. 

There is no competition in the market

American Express & Discover... there's two right there. 

Staff Accountant

Lol they always get mad about eaten hours but they equally get bad about hours being too high to bill and/or write-offs. 

I had to tell a partner once that he's going to bill every hour I spent on a project because the client gave it to us in such horrendous shape. I think he still wrote off some time in the end...

Kinda reminds me of the dock slowdowns in California in 2013...shipping companies wanted to install a new digital tracking system but the union said no because it would cost the guy doing the manual tracking their job...so they slowed down their work and generally pissed everyone off. Sometimes a strike or retaliatory action from a union can be very short-sighted. 

Seems to work just fine, it seems more like you're the one who can't stand the nuance...

Yeah...that's not working out for ya then buddy. You're not making any of the change you think you are other than just being stubborn and making pissed off and frankly unsafe drivers stay in your proximity. If you want to get cut-off there are much better ways to get that achieved than by trying to arbitrarily obstruct traffic to "enforce" speed limits. 

The restaurant side is fairly profitable once they started upping their list prices on the apps...originally, no, there was no profit other than potential incremental profit due to the 30% fees charged by the apps. However, now, most restaurants increase their list prices by 30% and now it's profitable for them because the customer pays the app fees. 

Then enjoy having people on your butt and being in an unsafe spot. You have no right to complain...people are wanting to pass you because they're going faster and your obstinence is creating an unsafe situation for yourself. The safer option is to speed up or get over and let the car fly by you so you're not at risk of being caught in the accident they're gonna create. 

Got places to be people to see and if you're not passing then you shouldn't be in the passing lane obstructing traffic. Speed up or get over if you don't like people being on your butt...it's a far safer option to let the dangerous driver get past you than throw a fit and let them tailgate you out of principle. Can't change their behavior or actions but you can absolutely put yourself in a safer position by letting them fly past you.