It's not something I can control, and I thoroughly believe in reincarnation- no one can change my mind on this. If only. πŸ’€

Yeah, and then she started to talk back.

But only to fuss. She fusses at me for pets and complains when I don't. 😭

Lately only Red Dead Redemption Online but I'm good for playing CODBO4 Zombies, and on my Switch, Nintendo Online games and Mario Party runs lol

I hope you eventually get some rest buddy. I'm sorry you're going through it right now.

This, and onto days without sleeping or eating with an inflated sense of self-confidence and the spending comes with it. The irritability and outbursts. The impatience. The ripened anger. This unshakeable urge to cut my WASIT LENGTH dreadlocks. That's when I know it's really bad and that can last for days and I have to actively fight the urge, literally.

It wasn't always this way, just like everyone else, awareness comes gradually

Edit: Sorry, i can't add more precise information. Sorry to my replier, I'm really trying to make sure I'm not breaking any gnikcuf rules πŸ˜‘

Edit: πŸ’€

I've had the same job for 3 years now. I recently met a person I was able to even tell about my diagnosis, but that shit didn't last and definitely triggered a manic episode for me, recently having stayed up for 2 days straight without a single thing to eat, blew alot of money on shit I have nothing to show for and I have fucking bills to pay....

But well, a few days or so ago, I finally slept and am slowly getting back to eating. It's not something I want to go through again; I'm up in age, and the pot just seems to have gone to shit. I just don't know if it's in the cards.

All in all, I'd like to think I'm stable, but... yeah... I hope and pray for continued stability ... and while I build my savings back up. πŸ˜‘

I don't, but I'm super particular so I'm not just watching anything on twitch, moreso mystery/dark games that I find intriguing enough to buy and others, not enough to play myself. It's like a sampler beyond a trailer or just a video and the interactive aspect is pretty neat too, some of those channels are a great fucking time.

And I know this is only about watching others play games but's equateable to watching the musicians on twitch play too, to me, or anyone else practicing/playing some sort of craft or sport lol

Yeah, I think I slept for 10-12 hours when it was all said and done lol

THIS!!!!!!!! LOL literally just a few days ago, I was up for 2 without a single bite. Yesterday I had to force myself to eat a piece of banana and it was the worst. Like on the verge of a purge worst.

Now I'm in a stage where I just don't want to fucking eat and if I don't take my tranq at night, it's never going to happen, no matter what. It's noon and I haven't eaten and I'll probably only drink 2 red bulls today (edit: I had a smoothie! Tadaaa this is good.)

(aka When I start getting 4-6 hours then none... πŸ’€)

Definitely. I give myself at least 2-3 hours before to get ready for anything because the minute time gets close is the minute I break out into a cold nervous sweat. If I'm only an hour or less out, it ain't fucking happening. πŸ’€

Found texts to other bitches in his phone and we are only in the early stages so I removed all of my shit from their crib and cut off contact and even switched work sites so I don't have to encounter them ever again.

Such a fucking waste. What a fucking disappointment.


I hope you guys reunite. The story and the outcome is too awesome not to.

Chased the Dragon

I feel like it's everyone's answer πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Edit: I see someone said they didn't do it again because they knew they would be addicted, think it's top post

That is absolutely insane. I couldn't do it again because I COULDN'T WAKE UP for the LIFE of me and I DO NOT like downers AT ALL. Oh my God is was horrible lol pretty trippy tho, reminded me of 2CP visuals, the door frame was fucking dancing

Bram Stoker's Dracula, when Dracula walks in on his three wives feeding off of Jonathan, he chastises them for attacking him and they resent him, saying he has never loved....

And then he says he has, and proceeds to hand and feed them a fucking baby.... while Jonathan Harker screams in horror, disbelief, and bloody murder, while Dracula laughs.

And I laugh with him.

Just like how I laugh while Twilight/Edward tries desperately to bite and change Bella after she gives birth. πŸ’€

I hope you can get back into it. Like seriously, I hope you start running again and never look back. I feel like that's what it's going to take, atleast for me. Just looking ahead and not overthinking consistency, you know?

Either way, much luck man!

Thank you! Everything about this is πŸ”₯

Edit: this song makes me feel like cutting my fucking heart out. 🀩

Your BF got you a smog. A smoke. A smolder. A soot.

Agreed, I will never get tired of seeing these

I truly hope it happens again and even stronger, so we can see it where I live. πŸ₯Ί

Right? Like... yeah, okay. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚