Idk if it’s helpful but is where I go to find textbooks. It lists all the prices of places to buy from and how much you could make selling it back.

I second this! Comrad compression socks are the best. I’ve had mine for the last 7 years and they are still holding strong.

If you ever go to Newberg, Rosmarino Osteria Italiana is really good. You need a reservation but it’s a great spot with lots of cute shops near it & it’s in an area with lots of vineyards!

I'll have to check out Pure, I've had mixed reviews from friends! But I love Toasted, I've been there a few times for breakfast!

One of my favorite food truck burgers is $6 (Bumper Burger), you can get huge portions of authentic food for $12-15. I'm not saying everything is cheaper but I find the quality/taste of the food to be equal to what I'm paying. I'm also all for spending a lot of money on a meal but I want it to be actually worth it. I've just had some terribly boring meals at "nice" places in Columbus that make me want to not splurge anymore.

What are your favorite places to eat out at?

I've traveled to Columbus many times but I've officially moved here from the PNW. I am really struggling to find good places to eat. I'm finding a lot of American/bar food that is so overpriced. The Loft - only like their buffalo chicken dip, burger was ok, pasta was not good. Jarfly - $14 for a mediocre burger. Nonic - so overpriced, not worth the hype.

I would love recs for your favorite Thai food, Indian food, or whatever restaurant you frequent! I'm also looking for good fried fish tacos if you know a place!

I went to nursing school as a second career at 25. I went to school with people that were closer to 40. Nursing is a great field, it’s never too late.

Most people start med surg but you can sometimes get lucky and go straight into a specialty field if the hospital allows it. I started ICU and it was a struggle but I wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve also worked at Providence, Legacy & OHSU and I suggest going straight to OHSU. They’re unionized, pay the best & treat their nurses really well. They’re always hiring new nurses and OHSU is building a new tower so they’ll need more to staff that in the future.

If you want to do CRNA, you’ll need 2 years of ICU experience before applying. You also need a lot of shadowing hours (Confidence Care Academy gives a lot of resources once you get more serious).

For PACU, you can try to go there first but they might require some time in med surg or a step down unit before. It’s a pretty chill environment, recovering 1-2 patients at a time, rinse & repeat. Definitely less stressful than bedside since you have anesthesia there and then send pts to the floor before they get annoying. Just mostly pain and BP management.

No matter where you work, you honestly learn everything on the job. A lot of learning in your practicum (if you have a good preceptor) but it’s almost all on the job. It took me 1 year to feel comfortable/competent as an ICU RN. But I still feel like I’m always learning in the job (currently work critical care float pool).

NP school is a little controversial. I’ve met a lot of NPs that work bedside because they make more money and it’s less stressful or they just can’t find good NP jobs. A lot of hospitals will pay for part of your education too.

I don’t have time for a coffee (moving away in 2 weeks) but I’m happy to chat on the phone or you can DM me with more questions.

The specialty practice leader in our ICU just died this weekend. There’s no way I would ever get on one or let anyone I know use one. We see way too many accidents at our level 1 and those are the ones that are “lucky” enough to make it in.

Not in Portland, but Aloha. Bumper Burger has 1/4 pound burgers for $5 or doubles for $6. So good and so affordable! Fries are $2!

I’ve worked at three major hospitals (OHSU, Legacy, Providence) and the best place is OHSU. They have a strong union (all rates are posted in the union contract) and it’s a wonderful place to work. They are also expanding/hiring on a bunch of nurses. There’s also a lot of other units you can transition to if you want to fight burn out/change things up.

For living, it depends on what you want to do. I live in the Beaverton/Hillsboro area (~12 miles from Portland) and it’s a quick 25m commute to work or most parts of the city. More suburban living but plenty to do and eat.

Check out the app too good to go! You can get quite a bit of food for $4-7. The pizza schmizza one gives you 3 slices for $6.

RN - ICU 🍕

When someone says the pt is on LIWS and it’s blasting away on high

I worked psych as a PCT and I don’t think I’m interested in going back. But thank you for the insight!

Does anyone have insight on nursing jobs/good places to work?

I've been an ICU RN but I'm open to transitioning into a different field (PACU, endoscopy, IR, etc). I would love some insight on Piedmont, St. Francis, Hughston Clinic, The Surgery Center, Center for Adv. Gastroenterology or any other places! Thanks!

I used to wash my hair every day and I was able to transition to washing it once every 10 days. It took a really long time & a lot of greasy hair/rough looking days.

My tips: - sulfate free shampoo, double wash - conditioner only on the ends/middle of my hair. Never let it touch your scalp - I’ve started having issues with dandruff so I use glycolic acid to exfoliate (leave it on for 20m, then shower) - just started using a spikey hair brush to help exfoliate - I also just tried living proofs dry hair leave in treatment for after my shower - try using cool (or ice cold if you can tolerate it) water to rinse your hair - use a shower cap when you aren’t washing your hair (this has been a game changer!! You really should protect you hair from hot showers)

And maybe you do need to wash your hair every other day or whatever. Just figure out what works best for you and who cares what everyone else is doing. I honestly try to avoid dry shampoo since it adds to the build up. Hopefully these tips help!!

I’m taking a class right now & the teacher says she gets the chain from dollar tree’s hanging outdoor baskets! And she hangs pretty heavy looking pieces.


I found them on TikTok but they are so comfy, don’t have any adhesive (uses your own body gear) and they come in multiple colors & sizes. I love them and all my friends love them too!

The capybara & toucan weren’t as bad! There’s only a couple spots that HAVE to line up but she definitely puts the patterns together in a friendly way. I’ve started another 4 block blanket and the caiman wasn’t bad either!

Is one better than the other/easier to use?

It wasn’t even an ICU nurse, she’s a nurse manager that doesn’t have direct patient care.

King Arthur flour actually has an AMAZING hotline with bakers who will walk you through any of your baking related problems. So fun and helpful!