It resulted in 3 dozen criminal charges and was investigating possible election fraud.

It wasn't because his family continued to run his business. Or a family member making Trump branded merchandise while he was president. Or potentially doing crooked real estate years before being in office. Or hiring a family member to work in the white house. Or firing a corrupt staff member. Or using a private computer for government business.

Which is all shit the DNC was investigated for for years thst the Trump administration openly bragged about doing and got slaps on the wrist.

Those things some liberals blame Biden for not extending past the Trump era?

Now watch Trumps 47 videos where he talks about mobilizing the national guard to combat crime in American cities, retroactively jailing those who helped/'abated' trans people, and creating federally run super cities with flying cars and classical architecture. Then check out the GOP's 55 year campaign of using the FBI to investigate every DNC president since and including Carter. Shit, Clinton was investigated for 7 years because Rush Limbaugh floated the conspiracy theory that he was going to give his cousin an internship at the White house. It cost the dems seats in the senate during a tight midterm and cost us, the taxpayers, millions. The FBI reported in the first month thst there was no evidence but the GOP just said "then keep digging for a crime!"

No Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, even though it's #23 on IMDB's top 250 and 100% on Rotten Tomatoes...and it's not even in my top 10. (It's really good the first time, but it's not as good a third time through.)

Another good reason to make fireworks extra illegal after 11 PM. Aside from the noise, people are more likely to just leave the shit unattended and go to sleep.

This is the question no one can answer because there is no clear answer.

You can put in a no-name Democrat and they'll get smashed on name recognition alone. You can put in a progressive Democrat and the >60 crowd will turn to Trump because his talk of a "radical socialist" will seem kinda-sorta true.

Joe acting feeble means the old voters and anti-communist immigrants won't be intimidated into thinking he's the next Stalin.

I've skimmed the videos. They include proposals like:

• Build 10 federally controlled "Freedom cities of the future" full of neoclassical architecture and flying cars.

• Shipping out all the homeless people to tent cities in the middle of the wilderness.

• Demand that all police across the country institute a "stop and frisk" policy for weapons and drugs.

• Sending the US military into Mexico to declare war on the cartels and give drug dealers the death penalty (except for those he pardoned, I guess?)

• Deploying the national guard to US cities to combat "crime" (I don't know what kind of jurisdiction the national guard thinks it has in cities unless he plans on using the executive branch to declare martial law and gun down American citizens...)

• Reduce school shootings by arming teachers (because having more guns in school is going to reduce shootings...).

• A 1,000 mile long wall on the southern border paid for by Mexico (which I guess he couldn't get done the first time one was sure where the funds would come from because it was too expensive to build and Mexico wasn't about to pay for it but here he goes again...)

• Declare war on the Mexican Cartels (And I thought he was against declaring war on decentralized terrorist organizations and leaving behind power vacuums...).

• Remove all federal funding from universities that recognize that historic problems with race have lead to modern day inequality or that teach that gay people exist. Oh, and if you accept a minority over a non-minority with higher grades, even if the minority student wanted in a completely different department (which constitutes a majority of "racial discrimination" in college acceptance).

• End the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 24 hours by doing something he refuses to share with anyone. We just have to trust him. And anyone who dies between now and then: I guess it just sucks to be them because he refuses to share his genius plan.

• Forcefully seize all Chinese assets in the United States.

• Stop all federal funding and terminate any and all records, documents, studies, safety and standards for gender affirming care, including making any doctor or hospital who deals with it or acknowledges it ineligible for Medicaid and Medicare.

• Have the federal government retroactively sue any doctor, pharmaceutical company, or hospital who have administered gender affirming care.

• Banning labeling any information as misinformation by the media or social networks and using federal agencies to arrest anyone who was involved with labeling any information as misinformation.

• Retroactively undoing Birthright Citizenship and shipping away people who have never in their life lived in foreign countries to those countries.

but I just don’t see how you can come back from this.

It's early July. Around this time in 2016 Trump was down to ~40% and Hillary was at ~50%. Right now its ~43% to ~49%.

Voters have a pretty short attention span and I have hope the campaign is waiting until a week before the actual election before making any serious moves.

A far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

And I DO NOT live in a society where exists such a thing like trans people.

Just because you live in a society in which it is forbidden and/or taboo to openly declare yourself as transgender doesn't mean it does not exist. It'd be like saying there's no gay animals in your country because any animal found engaging in that behavior is removed from the country or killed.

You guys offended by one statement of a person that you even don't know but in reality you are the people offending my culture and religion. I thought reddit is a place for all people and regardless of their religion, race, nationality or sex.

It is. And denying the existence of a sex will always be the more intolerable act over defending them. Is your culture completely defined by that intolerance? My culture has a number of historical intolerance as well that we had to stop once we came to realize that the people we were dehumanizing had the right to exist how they wished to exist. There are many solutions to the classic "paradox of intolerance" and you can defend a culture and religion while also denying them the right to refuse to dehumanize those who are not part of that culture and religion.

I repeat I am not wishing bad to anyone, I just don't care about people who are not involved in my life. I suppose it is a rational reaction, isn't it?

If you are an active participant on social media, especially one like reddit, it is very unlikely that you are not consuming work produced by, speaking with, and/or working on sites managed by trans people.

It is not my civic responsibility or reasonable ability to affect change in Uzbekistan. I am not on a website occupied ~50% by Uzbeks, which makes sense only 5-10% of the country communicates in English which constitutes a majority of the site's traffic and footprint.

But there are trans people (or the possibility of the birth of new trans people) in every country on earth, not just in a village in Uzbekistan.

Were I living in that village and capable of helping make substantial change I would. And I would also hope that village, once its more immediate concerns of safety and sovereignty are met, would not discriminate against trans people.

Awesome. Our family lost most of our money to medical debt back in 2006, four years before ACA rules were passed that would have saved us, and it feels like we've only really stabilized in the past year or two.

Learning about human beings being legislatively discriminated against is extremely important.

For me? Serenity and peace. I grew up in CA, moved to SC, then to WA. This place has the slow pace and beauty of SC without the ignorance and aggression. It has the diversity of CA without the underlying distrust and anger. And it has the introvert friendliness of WA without the underlying hostility you'd feel trying to get a bag of groceries.

Everyone here is nice, but not aggressively nice. Everyone here is quiet, but not scared of each other. There is tons of nature, but I can still buy food from around the world without having to pay to get it shipped.

:Paizo: Paizo Developer

Obviously he needs to hold by the pommels and wield it like a polearm!

Celebrating the 4th by denying your fellow tax payers their representatives' ordinances.

If you give your child a silly name they will demand everyone call them by a different name by the time they are 6 and will hate you for it every time some student checks your social media pages and uses the real name to bully them.

At least "Arachne" was a real, albeit mythological, name. Why they'd go with "-idette" instead of a Greek suffix is beyond strange. There's a lot of good female Ancient Greek suffixes.

It's still a silly name. Like maybe if your entire family were Greek textile workers or something it'd be a cute middle name.

Which is the other option: Go crazy on the middle name!

We would need a new prime minister every 13 days for that to happen.

I'm not saying it's impossible...

Inconvenient to OP, there have been several massive famines in Japan so it's especially insensitive to bring it up regarding food.

Makes total sense to me.

Usually sets have two major limiters to keep them from being too powerful: Draft and Standard. While these sets could be drafted, they were less likely to be drafted due to having shorter print runs, more expensive packs, and not being standard legal sets.

Back when the format was called extended most cards were standard all-stars, largely from sets that "broke standard" or were otherwise above the power curve. Hence why the top decks were stuff like Affinity, Jund, Caw-Blade, etc...

It'd be worse if the sets were marketed as "for modern" and had tons of cards that weren't playable in modern...

Pack Crack Addict

I needed a few of these cards for my set binders so why not.

:Paizo: Paizo Developer

Mystic is my personal favorite, but I'm biased.

That was the plot of an episode of Will & Grace.

That's because Biden is the only serious candidate with a cabinet of legitimate bureaucrats and administrators looking to continue running out government and its agencies. The other two are wacked up conspiracy theorists who want to burn it all down and sell the ashes to the highest bidder.