Yes and no. The system is designed this way, but that doesn’t prevent people and guilds “allying” by word. Games like Conqueror’s Blade are good examples of this as Houses (their form of Guilds) would rally together and allow specific guilds who they were friends with to use their resource, but any other guild would get shafted. This led to the whole map on multiple occasions to be taken over by one group of people (spread across multiple guilds)

Player conflict is good when done right and is ever evolving. However, MMO community typically now just bands together in the biggest guild to reap the spoils and to continue to progress, while alienating everyone else.

While the systems in Ashes sound great in concept, and are shown well in videos, once the game releases (if it ever does) within a month or two the devs will need to add handicaps to the systems or hurt their new player and returning player metrics instead due to lack of progress.

Games where guilds can lock people out of content typically lead to increased toxicity. Large guilds will win all of the time and will be the only ones who can progress, especially since they can lock people out of dungeons.

So for OP, yes it is designed to be toxic in the longrun.

Keep your families name as the brand, and maybe use their name as one or a group of some of the things you offer in your practice. Best of both worlds that way.

They’ll probably need to cover with massive sick ass panther socks instead.

I mean they are complaining of their struggle. So sadly for them theres no cheese mechanic to make it “easier”. Though another commenter said you can shoot from afar, so maybe thats the cheese mechanic here.

I like the challenge, so I plan to go fight them properly again once I finish the story.

You can kill one of the herons but swimming near the edge of the waterfall. Sadly the icewolves arent so easy

Make a day (or the morning) if the euthanasia to do everything he loved doing when he was well. Let them give him stuff he used to beg for but wasn’t allowed like ice cream then take him in.

Both of my dogs passed from lymphoma and it goes from 0 to 100 very fast, I recommend the euthanasia to happen ASAP as you definitely don’t want your kids to see your dog bloated and barely moving. Its a horrible thing to see and so sad.

OP i am so sorry for your loss, I cannot imagine the grief you must be going through.

For your situation with your friend, throw her out. She cares more about herself than you, she wants to be the main event snd wants the focus on her and your grief is a inconvenience, which is why she wants you to get over it.

I dread to think what would happen if you and your husband decide to try for another baby in the future, the type of nasty comments she would throw at you. Or if her daughter gets sick (common illness or something serious), the type of words and empathy she would expect from you.

She’s a bitch and I am sorry you had to go through such trauma and grief due yo the loss of your beautiful baby to find out that she doesn’t have your back.

Wishing you and your family the best during this time.

While that’s true, theres only so many times where I would feel comfortable rebuilding if people have intentionally destroyed everything, each and every-time the community works together to make something great.

Based on your other comment, I am very curious to see it in action - but I am concerned as a lot of games unfortunately suffer from this problem and banning those players is not an option as its one of the intended ways to play.

I usually mention that the item never arrived, if thats the case. Sometimes on rare occasions it asks for a photo so I usually take a picture of an empty plate or a empty table.

The best thing is to be honest. It didn’t arrive? Say how long you waited. You needed to order from another place due to it never arriving. Say that and tell them where. You were disappointed? Tell them that too. All info matters.

Same goes if you are missing a drink, or given a wrong item in your order. Just take a picture of what came instead. 9/10 times you’ll get a refund or a replacement item.

This a incredibly interesting way to go about it, am very curious to see how it works in actuality as players are known for finding loopholes in well-designed systems, but it sounds very promising.

Will keep an eye on the game, thanks for responding Raph!

To be honest, this sounds like something I say to myself when I feel like I am in a bad place financially and am thinking of quitting.

I would recommend he goes to a doctor to see if he gets diagnosed with depression.

I would recommend that you also find a part time job, even if it is just to cover food. Since Covid there is a lot more remote jobs around with a bit of flexibility so you could do one of those while also supporting your son from home.

Exactly. I work in the industry (MMOs specifically) and as cool as the concept sounds I am aware that there are certain parts of a game where you need to take away player agency. A couple of games I have worked on have included features where players can “lay the rules of the land” and this has led to guilds allying to take over the maps so other players cannot enjoy content or progress.

I used ARK as an example because its a easy one to understand, but any games with Territory / Guild Wars can be checked to pinpoint the reason why there needs to be some ground rules in the games ecosystem to prevent such griefing.

I will keep an eye on this game, but its a hard pass for me based on the brief and concept solely due to the fact players have so much control.

A game where a group of players can destroy the whole planet so there is nothing to do is a game thats not worth playing.

Public servers in Ark or other sandbox games should’ve made this clear yo devs. Sadly yet another MMO thats a hard pass.

I had a teacher several years back who was allergic to coconuts and she would start having issues if one of the kids in the classroom had washed their hair with coconut shampoo or deodorant. I think its just incredibly rare.