Hey looking at no cook foods for a backpacking trip in a few weeks. Thank you for this!

General rules of thumb/items for keeping food weight light but filling in trail?

Many public schools also offer transitional kindergarten. 14 years of free education.

Question about lightning/summer storms in the Sierra Nevada.

If you're on the peak, get off the peak. But if you're a thousand/few thousand feet down down in the valley, should you still pitch? is it cool to keep hiking? I usually pitch out of anxiety, but never had the forethought to ask the question.

Question about lightning/summer storms in the Sierra Nevada.

If you're on the peak, get off the peak. But if you're a thousand/few thousand feet down down in the valley, should you still pitch? is it cool to keep hiking? I usually pitch out of anxiety, but never had the forethought to ask the question.

Tumblr is the new insta

To clarify: mostly pictures, things that interest me.

Many cottage manufacturers will make you a back panel that is right for you. If I was in your position a company that has been very kind to me is Superior Wilderness Designs. Their long haul series was what I ordered for multi day trips. Very happy with my decision.

Would a new Voigtlander APO work on something like a Minolta CLE?

People forget that having a photography business is 80% business and 20% photography.

1989 red Chrysler LeBarron convertible.

I had it for a year and one of my high school friends rear ended me.

Man, that car was dope.

PH.Ds. I’m about 50/50 on them. Some of my colleagues have them and they are so pompous and airheaded. The other 50 have them because they just wanted a better job and are amazingly down to earth people.

The giveaway is usually their email signature.

Sincerely, Dr. Karen Cunningham, Ed.D Director of Positive Change Acceleration.
“To give anything less than a blah blah is to blah blah blah. Be a champion.”


Be Well, Dave

I think this is a response to not having parents with great parenting strategies.

My thought is this: Shooting film is like wearing a tie. If something is happening, indulge. But dont just go whipping it out on a an ordinary Wednesday for coffee.

Horn photo on Fresno, Ca is okay. They have Noritsu scanners and good. I once got a roll of film back that had water marks on it from not drying properly. It’s about $18/roll for high res scans. The don’t do ECN-2.

I use The Darkroom over my local lab because honestly, every time I walk in they look annoyed that they have to deal with someone. It could be such a cool place, but the employees there are very much of the “take it or leave it” vibe.

Thoughts on an a Gossomer Gear Fast Kumo, or an MLD hell pack if you need less capacity?

Link for lazy: Fast Kumo

MLD Hell pack

I like to run long distances because life is short and I want to see all the pretty things outside.

Also, some pretty neat people run, so it’s fun to chat on long runs and stuff.

Dude that looks like a blast. I’m happy you got to have some fun. That looks like an adventure for sure.

What were your top 5 “hell yeah” songs on your playlist?

If it makes you feel better they were able to give him anti anxiety meds via a pic line in his ankle.

One of us One of us One of us

So just leave the film back open when you shoot film dude? Not that big of a deal.

Can someone link this? I feel like it’s only right to flood them with useless applications.