Basically the title. But I must vent lol..

(Changing some details just incase her or her fiancƩ find this)

Background: Weā€™ve all been friends for as long as sheā€™s been with our friend so around 7 years, and they are to marry in two months. She says she has no desire to start TTC for a couple of years. My husband and I have been together for nearly 11, married for almost 3. Weā€™re finally expecting our first, and we have thems as our gender keepers to not make either of our sisters upset and we do love them as our pseudo aunt/uncle for future baby:) Weā€™ve talked multiple times before we ever found out about this pregnancy about baby names, and have a common one for our top pick, ā€œAlexander.ā€ (Just a random name, not the real one!)

Now itā€™s never been an issue, but here lately sheā€™s making comments of how weā€™re ā€œwinningā€ or reaching all of these milestones first, but Iā€™ve never seen it as a competition? She wanted to see my baby name list last week, I know mistake number one lol, and kept saying how much my second boy name choice is so much better than the first. My husband even told her fiancĆ© when he brought it up, so what if we both have boys someday with the same name? Whoā€™s to say our kids will even want to be friends? I mean nicknames are huge in my family, so weā€™ll probably call them whatever that is anyway. I have two cousins on my mom and dadā€™s side who I also share first names with, and weā€™ve never gotten confused and itā€™s never been a problem growing up.

I fell in love with the first name before I knew her, and it goes along with my dadā€™s middle name that I would like to pass on to honor him. Especially now that heā€™s gotten so sick.. Heck, even the first name we have picked out is a family name for us just not as common anymore. But really though, if she likes it too and wants to use it for a boy before us one day, then awesome!!

Anyways, we have our gender reveal in a few weeks so I guess weā€™ll see who wins! (Sarcasm!) I donā€™t know I just feel some type of way with her comments lately. Like itā€™s really not a big deal to me, we have SO many common interests as it is. Am I crazy?

Honestly, I will just be thrilled with a happy and healthy baby, regardless of genderšŸ„°

Thank you for letting me rant herešŸ«¶