Unfortunately I hear this same scenario all the time from these call centers / hotlines. It’s really a shame

I hope you are getting through this. If you’re still struggling it could be worth checking into a psych ward, haven’t always heard good things about them either but I at least have heard good things from some people.

This was one of my favorite covers as a kid. It inspired me to attempt to write my own novel which completely ripped off this cover haha

Yeah the’ve had that there for quite awhile now. The other side used to have some small signs with similar message. Really can’t understand why someone would feel the need to do this

I literally stopped the movie and yelled what the fuck

I’ve never seen the skittles drinks but otherwise it’s all pretty spot on

I saw “how to leave a guy in 10 days” on my one and only date with a girl

Omg yes this is the one true answer. And thank for for giving me traumatic flash backs by the way

Samara, love her character… maybe if her sequels were better, or if she had a higher kill count she could stay longer.

I’ll usually do subs for a first watch, and if I’m on a repeat watch especially if I just want something on in the background subs will work. Also it can be fun to compare the voices of both

Sounds like you’d be wise to not fall into some grass yourself lol 😂

That dark geeen with black and the yellow trim is very nice, I would honestly be happy with most of these, get this person a job at Nike already!

Probably house that jack built with runner ups being piggy, gonjiam and hereditary

Leprechaun maybe just a bit too goofy and less intimidating than the others

I feel like the nature of the face huggers and things like the chest bursting scene resonate more in the horror realm, but that being said I do have trouble not associating alien with sci fi

I honestly feel like there isn’t a bad one on this album…. Maybe that’s just me though

It will always be the original for me. So many parts of that movie still hold up as some of the best in horror all these years later.

Unpopular opinion is that I really don’t like how campy the rest of the series gets

How about the Jason kill where he had the kid in the sleeping bag and just keeps slamming them against the tree haha

I gotta say most of the final destination deaths, especially in the later ones were meant to be at least a little funny

Agreed, I do feel like Alien was alittle more scary although I’m sure both could kill me in a second haha



The host

Memories of murder

Snow piercer

Haven’t gotten to see barking dogs never bite And I’m honestly afraid of being heartbroken by okja so I haven’t seen that either 😅

Gonna be predator for me, I never really viewed predator as a horror icon more of a sci-fi / action icon