OP where are you located? What kind of PR are you interested in. Maybe we can network.

Maybe try the rfid tag you can buy for the sureflap feeder

I wouldn't be that excited if I was betrothed to a racist man who plays dress up in prince clothes and spends his day looking at himself in the gym mirror.

I wonder if it has to do with Rachel’s gym obsession. If I was Arielle, I would not feel comfortable being around someone so tiny who always reminds me of how tiny she while I’m simultaneously trying to convince myself I’m body positive. Similarly, if I was Rachel and I was adopting body dysmorphia, I mean a healthier lifestyle, I don’t know that I want to be hanging out at raising canes.

She needs to get off the internet and find some real friends. Social media is just a mindfuck and I’m sure it is more so when you’re also trying to unsuccessfully make it into a career.

I'm the first to snark on Arielle, but I appreciate her applying her new editing skillz to her videos. Good job.

Would you trust any of these women with health advice?

It creepy because she is a grown ass adult fan girling like my 10 year old.

Good style = knowing how to dress for your body = wearing clothes that fit

Ok Noelle. If her clothes fit fine, the fabric wouldn’t be seconds ripping apart and her boobs wouldn’t be popping out of every outfit.

I dont know how people can love Noelle's style. Literally none of her clothes fit.

There are SO many body positivity posts from this group, it is exhausting. I often wonder who they’re trying to convince.

The whole her husband has money, but she is broke is very confusing to me. My husband and I do not combine finances, but I cannot imagine us getting into a position where our financial situations are so far apart.

Who says you can’t wear color if you’re plus size? I’ve literally never heard that.

I know. People died. It was not magical.

Sorry, but I still get dominos sometimes. Different kind of pizza.

Whoever said that arielles whole sheet debacle was for a sponsorship deal called it 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼