Because you're working out, trying to improve yourself and it's showing. Take it as a compliment, they aren't trying to be demeaning, they're trying to keep you on track. Congrats on the weight loss, i know it's difficult, just keep up the great work!

They say it's no big deal because they don't have it, sometimes all you can do is take a deep breath and regather yourself, don't let them make you take it less serious

Show him pictures of those who didn't take diabetes seriously, the ones who have amputations or blind, make him go to your next doctor visit, have the doctor explain it's not being dramatic or paranoia to want to watch your carbs/sugar intake.

You cook, you know what all goes in it, generally it will always be the same recipe, someone else cooking will use different spices, different recipes so that it will taste different, it's that difference that kind of lights up your taste buds.

Obviously enjoying a good headbanger song

Be mindful of the amount you eat, if you know you're going to eat bread or pasta then cut carbs/sugars earlier in the day, don't go back for seconds or thirds, pizza go with thin crust, it's not carb free but it's a lot less carbs than hand toss or pan.

I get the Bakenet ones, i assumed the other brands were the same or somewhat similar, now i know, thanks! Will definitely check nutrition facts if i get different brands of them.

The spicy ones are 0 sugars and less than a gram of carbs per serving

Videos on sites like youtube, some podcasts, if they start talking about curing diabetes if you do this or this then shut it down and find another one, too many want to prey on people who are already feeling a little more vulnerable than normal, try to sell them false hope.

Be patient, be willing to learn with her, don't eat things she can't eat in front of her, just reassure her that you will be there for her and with her, that's the most important thing.

As far as we know this was the gator's first attempt at fence climbing, maybe they improve over time and will be able to scale a fence like a squirrel.

Try contacting the manufacturers, some have limited opening programs which give vouchers to either reduce the costs further or for no cost prescriptions. Had to do that for a partner i had for a pill they had to take a while back that wasn't affordable or covered by insurance

My fingers stay cold, i have a small heater next to me on my desk, i turn it on and warm up the fingertips for a minute or two before testing

It's not always just about the food, it's how much time you spent exercising (even more than normal walking throughout your day), even how much water you drink, that seems to affect my numbers, keeping my blood sugar in the lowish numbers the next day. Also time you ate, if you ate and then moved around for a while before bed then that could help too

Prisoners still get the necessary food groups, unsure how you figure there's inadequate protein, it might not be the best tasting food but they're fed from all food groups. No prison just gives their inmates bread and water, think that would fall under cruel and unusual punishment, not to mention the tax dollars that would have to be spent when each and every prisoner ended up in the hospital due to scurvy or malnutrition.

Yeah, that was me the other day, i wasn't allowed any food for the day but my blood sugar was really low (not much food day before, nothing but broth that day) drank a regular Dr Pepper, it took me 8 hours to be able to drink it all and that was my constant go to before i was diagnosed. Now i'm sticking with the Zero version.

It's residual effects, when i first started blood pressure meds and they dropped me to the normal range i kept feeling like i was going to pass out, but that was because of years and years and years of functioning on the higher pressure, after a while i adjusted and can now tell when my blood pressure starts to get way out of normal range, blood sugar is the same way, you've adjusted and functioned with higher levels so now you need to acclimate down to the new normal

It's obvious, it was CARdio day.

I try to get a majority of my carbs in before i go to work so i burn off quite a bit and last meal of the day it's low to zero carbs, it seems to be working pretty good for me, just keep count of the carbs.