
my other boy thorin!!


this is my boy thorin :)

keeping aquatic plantsPlants

Hello! I’m currently in the process of moving and breaking down my tank. All of the inhabitants have gone to good homes so that they don’t have to move 1200 miles with me.

I’m planning on selling the tank and other equipment as I won’t have the space or time for it but I do want to keep some of the plants I have.

What’s the best way to help these plants thrive? What should I keep them in and what do I need for nutrient supplements?

The plants I’m looking to keep are - staurogyne repens - microsorium pteropus “windelov” - rosette sword

Thanks in advance! :)

am i too short to enjoy the pit?Question

My friends and I are talking about getting tickets for the upcoming tour. I’ve only ever gotten tickets for actual seats, never general admission tickets for the pit. I’m hesitant to get pit tickets as I’m 5’1” and worried that I’m not going to be able to see anything from the pit. I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts and experiences if you’re able to relate!

I currently have 7-9 ghost shrimp with one berried. The hob is a low flow filter so it only disturbs the surface a little. The shrimp in there now seem to be doing well I just wasn’t sure if there was anything else I needed to change/add

I currently have 7-9 ghost shrimp in there with one berried. Aside from the filter screen, I shouldn’t need to add anything else right?

Tank size?

I want to convert my current 5g betta tank to a shrimp only tank. Is a 5g okay for them? I’ve heard the general rule is 10 shrimp per one gallon, is that right? What’s the ideal setup for them? The tank currently has a hob filter and heater with only live plants (i.e., anubias, java moss, windelov)

Thank you so much!! I’m excited to read up on these guys now that I know what they are :)

It’s gorgeous and very flattering, even before alterations!! As long as you love it, and you’re happy and feel beautiful in it, then that’s all that matters imo.

I’m so sorry for your loss!! :((

I was able to get a copper koi betta from Petsmart that was originally listed at $20. He had some spots where he was pale and potentially missing scales (aside from that he didn’t have super clamped fins and was pretty active) and brought it to the attention of a “regular” (not sure what the proper term is???) employee. Asked if he was willing to discount the price of the fish, even if it was only 20%. He ended up marking him 50% off! It may be worth speaking with someone who’s not a manager as that seemed to make a difference for me. Good luck and keep us updated!!

I was looking at the link you provided and the instructions on the box itself said to hatch them in a dedicated tank? I don’t necessarily want to do that, so when you say let them hatch on their own in your tank, do you add the eggs directly into your fish tank?

Totally understandable!! Please give us an update on whichever lil guy you pick! It’s always exciting to see how much they change once they’re happy and taken care of! 😊

They’re both such good options and would show gorgeous colors once they’re healthy!!! I wouldn’t be able to pick lol but personally when I get bettas, I try and go for ones that seem the least happy or the ones that have been there the longest.

I will say I did overreact in my first response and for the foul language I apologize. However, your comments were uncalled for. Unfortunately, your seemingly passive aggressive comment about poor wages was spot on; surgical technicians in my city are severely underpaid. To give you insight, I only make $15/hr to assist surgeries, do consultations, pre and post surgical care, among a variety of other tasks. It seems absurd at times and if it weren’t for the love I have for the field I would’ve pursued another, better-paying job by now.

While $35 may seem like nothing to you, it can make a world’s difference to someone on a tight budget. With the cost of living right now, every dollar counts. I wasn’t anticipating having to come home and deal with a crashing tank and therefore it was not in my budget for this month. Please try to be more mindful of others in the future.