I definitely think they will be questioning the use of medication and treatment particularly at your age, as all these conditions are considered manageable and treatable. Many people do in fact work with these conditions. Having said that, without knowing more you have submitted an application and no doubt this includes information from specialists who support your application and that might be adequate for a successful application

OK, look if that's the way it is being run, it's incredibly problematic. It's simply not good enough to do a roster the day before. There are many other places that would be happy to have you

Not so they endeavour to replace them with another cheapie and only offer the shift to a cheapie

Sounds like Macca's who force everyone to be casuals. Want their cake and to eat it too. The rostering Manager is inadequate, if it is Macca 's complain to the consultant

As a general rule it's best to err on the side of belief, it is rare for people to lie about such matters. Having said that compensation is not easy to aceess

Where the fuck do you think the money was invested, it was already in the share market you moron!!!

Quite frankly if I didn't give a fuck about people and their best interests I'd shut the fuck up and skip these conversations. Maybe that's my lesson

Nobody was enabled to buy property and enter into a serviceable mortgage by withdrawing by 10k

She won't. Make it clear you wish to remain anonymous

Call CPS for direction anonymously and see what they have to say

As I said nobody bought a house with 10-20k plus expenses and if they did it certainly didn't appreciate like you are claiming you knob

And therein lies the problem, it was only for people in dire circumstances with no other options

He's an absolute anomaly. Most people were fucking stupid!! Fact obviously not popular so being downvoted heavily for just stating the fucking truth of the matter


Nobody bought a house with 10k, nor did their cheap house appreciate by 1000% you're taking the piss

The absolute worst time to take money out of the market is when it has bottomed out. Leaving it there it would have have appreciated back to where it was and then some. Why? It's simply a matter of investment 101,never withdraw when the market has crashed, complete stupidity

Not likely, but they are probably better off emotionally and I guess that is priceless

Unless you are a Concession Card holder, otherwise make sure you are on the best deal possible