Ivan is an overall good mod that I think you should get

he asked for an opinion and i gave it

Damn I’m also 15 so this kinda worries me

Ok so I just noticed that there was a second page and yeah it’s not really that bland but some of his popular artists are kinda boring like Eminem and Taylor

Is that a menowa emboss?

Elixir Collector :ElixirCollector:

I don’t play clash much anymore but the state of the recent metas make clash just seem impossible to play especially tryna push too 5k from what I’ve seen of Ken playing clash

Elixir Collector :ElixirCollector:

Still pushing too 5k in clash Royale in 2024 is insane

Elixir Collector :ElixirCollector:

Calling yourself good and not even being at 5k 😭😂

Elixir Collector :ElixirCollector:

I swear every time I go onto this sub I see a post exactly like this

all of this costs 300.5 including the diamond pass and not including gems at the very bottom

Electrodynamic bro I had more attempts on it than deadlocked😭

I had no idea they made Pentax energizer mechincal pencils I have like 20 pens from them

First person I’ve ever seen want to be gen alpha lmao

How fucking high do you have to make this?

Elixir Collector :ElixirCollector:

Dude I don’t even think it’s the fact that you play 2.6 is the issue cuz I easily pushed from 5.5k to 7k no issue in like 3 days with it. I think you just suck bruh

If you are having this issue just log in into your iCloud account and ask for a refund for your purchased item. It worked for me and I even kept gamepigeon plus (so basically got it for free)

Elixir Collector :ElixirCollector:

Shoot out rockets