banned for saying yellow and drive in the same sentence

Lot of options on a bunch of tickers OI are pretty high for that date

If you don’t want it I’ll give you $2000 for it


Had a motorcycle cop pull me over for illegal mods as he started to name them on my stock car at the time. Even accused me of being in take overs because my rear dent from a car accident? An AWD doing donuts on dry pavement? Tripping.

You have to have a “friend”

banned for saying yellow and drive in the same sentence

Intel never holds any gains shorting it back to $30

banned for saying yellow and drive in the same sentence

Until I place an order

banned for saying yellow and drive in the same sentence

What did google come out with some sex robots

banned for saying yellow and drive in the same sentence

Hot dog price went up

I see any sort of cop near me I pop it into neutral while I pass them or go up a gear. If they make the effort to get behind me and they have. One almost causing a crash to cross 3 lanes to get behind me in heavy traffic but I noticed it and pulled a U-turn straight into a donut shop and parked my car. I’m shocked he didn’t follow me in. Point is I’ll pull over right away at any chance if they get behind me in SoCal. There’s a bunch of racist cops who have nothing better to do than to harass car enthusiasts in SoCal.

Some poor sap is still going to take it unfortunately it’s why they do what they do.

I got one at a car meet it was awesome. I’m shocked no one stole it while it sat by my windshield.

banned for saying yellow and drive in the same sentence

Who would have guessed giving Elon his package would result in a pump.

Won’t buy Teslas low but considering buying the top

Who’s give a shit drive your car and live your life. Oh and yeah these cars are known money pits and all the jokes are accurate. It’s why they tell you to have an emergency stash or a second car it’s not if it’s when it’ll happen.

banned for saying yellow and drive in the same sentence


Day traders who are cashing out. I don’t care I’ll keep accumulating.

I’ve had my VA for 5 years now I need rwd next.

banned for saying yellow and drive in the same sentence

DFV post your CHWY position you pussy.

banned for saying yellow and drive in the same sentence

It’s not it’s the life I chose and I wouldn’t have it any other way :8882:

banned for saying yellow and drive in the same sentence

You really don’t other than the sex they’re nothing but trouble especially if they short. My wife’s the biggest cunt but she knows how to ride a cock.

banned for saying yellow and drive in the same sentence

Here I am pissed off Roaring Regard hasn’t posted his position in CHWY as my calls are down 90%

banned for saying yellow and drive in the same sentence

I said this before and I’ll say it again I’m going back to buying stocks no more options for me :52627:

banned for saying yellow and drive in the same sentence

Who bought NVDA calls at the top?