Not to mention that these prices are government subsidized with the intention of undercutting and destroying western EV and battery production.

How is anyone thinking in 2024 that more dependency on China’s party-run industry is a good idea?

That’s only 15 minutes before he gets his digestive cookie and warm milk and gets tucked into bed.

Unless it’s Bruce. That cow is an asshole.

Pollution is global but also very local. I’ve been to Beijing and Shanghai and seen the grey-yellow smear they call the sky.

I empathize with the anger against countries and corporations that - perhaps somewhat of our own doing - continue to pillage our shared global home, but I don’t understand the “my neighbour takes dumps on their front porch, so I also will shit on mine” attitude.

“So, we’ve decided to put the Ten Commandments back on the walls of schools and public institutions, but can we put the one about killing in a smaller font? That one has grown on us.

Actually, if we just remove the ‘not’ from the ‘shalls’ that would make things a lot easier for our cult of nationalism.”

I agree. Time for these religious zealot conservatives to move somewhere else that shares their outdated and toxic values.

The transitions were tight except for whatever D-tier butchery happened between his face and hairline.

Terrible way to be famous: be the guy a safety code or disease is named after.

…and people forget what happens immediately after almost any industry gains monopoly status by selling below cost: surprise! The price shoots way up beyond what the competitive price used to be.

Protectionism shouldn’t be necessary, but China does not play by the rules.

At the point a relationship becomes “meet the family” serious, it’s time to set up a joint Outlook or Google calendar. This saves time, disagreements, and relationships.

Wasn’t this basically the same thing that happened to Donny Osmond in the documentary, “Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat?”

It’s not. This is illegal in Canada. Hence the firing.

He’ll be remembered, briefly, as a man who could have been long remembered as one of Canada’s greatest journalists.

If you eat enough woke coffee lids, your ability to think critically seems to be diminished.

Yeah. Can you imagine if a white police officer ever got away with something? That would be a strange day indeed.

Dear Sony: you’re too stupid and greedy to understand complex ideas like this, but screwing with your best developers is the best way to lose your best developers.