Haha that's pretty nice positioning! I've never gotten that lucky XD

:viking: Sailor


I feel like if fishing wasn't tied to finding the trader and affording the rod and bait to get started it might be more useful early game. But the vast majority of times I've played, by the time we find the trader we've usually got much better food options available and fishing is just too boring to be worth it.

Who mentioned ore? Ore isn't the only thing that fills the inventory :P

An iron buckler is sufficient to parry it's attacks, combine with a sword or axe and you can take them out pretty quickly.

The hoe lives in a box by the door. It's only taken out when needed for a specific task, then it's repaired and placed back in the box. I'm not wasting an inventory slot carrying that around with me all the time haha.

My friend and I were talking about this the other day. Really wish there was some sort of system in place that checked like your armour class or something and would just make low level enemies who will do literally 0 damage to you, just ignore you.

Like they literally watch me take down a 2 star troll in two hits and are like, "yeah I could take that guy out"... just piss off!

Also be prepared for the fact they may never get along. We had two cats in our household for 17 years, our older one was just over 1 when we got our second cat and she never warmed to our younger cat, she merely learned to tolerate her existence.

They both ended up claiming different rooms of the house and they'd never enter those rooms the other cat had claimed. We did learn after several years that female cats are more territorial than male cats though so getting a second female cat was probably not the best idea but it wasn't really planned we took her in when a friend lost her house and had to give up her cat.

To be fair, our older cat also pretty much hates all other animals, she even chases and attacks dogs if they get too close to the garden. She's great with humans though, total attention whore for the neighbours... so long as there are no other animals around.

I added this restaurant to my world a little while ago and it's quickly become one of my favourite places to go eat.

My friend and I who play together are both pretty anti social and we mostly do our own thing. We explore different places, build our own bases etc. We share maps with the cartography table and a portal hub but other than that we mostly just team up for bosses and harder content (like Mistland Mines), or if one of us dies in an awful place and needs an escort back to the body.

I have a feeling Ashlands might force us into working together a bit more, at least when we first arrive.

From the known issues list on the forums

"Having the "Enable Movable Secondary Window" toggle disabled will cause all Vendor sale windows to not appear when interacting with a Vendor."

We can only hope they are quick to abandon this one. Login rewards for a single player game that a lot of us have spent several hundred to over a thousand bucks on is the most stupid and out of touch thing they could add.

My friend and I cleared out a mine last night, it was the most insane one we'd faced so far this time round. So many soldiers and swarmed with starred ticks and seekers, we kept having to retreat to the entry way to heal up a bit after our bonemass buffs ran out.

Then by the time we finished we'd found 5 cores in that one mine ( we've been averaging about 2-3 per mine) and we were both just like "that was so worth it". XD

:viking: Sailor

Yeah, personally I like that sailing the oceans is for the most part peaceful. It's the one biome where you don't get swarmed by annoying little di*ks constantly and until you get the longship the serpent is enough of a threat, especially if you're solo.

Giving major "You are on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master." vibes :D

Generally speaking I never usually stay on the spawn island for long past Elder.

It's usually better to scout around for an island with a meadows which has a good mountain, swamp and or plains area to help with midgame resource gathering. Coastal base is always a ton easier for bringing back non-portalable items via ship as you can dock right outside and walk them in vs having to drag a cart across a long distance and potentially awful terrain.

Plus with the Ashlands update, being a bit further South doesn't hurt so you have less distance to travel once you get to that stage.

So, in short, not really.Move the base to the coast, or build a new one there as a temporary thing if you plan on finding somewhere else later, stand on your boat next to the mast and smash at it with an axe until it breaks and you can get the resources for that back too.

With their new money grab overlords, I would not be at all surprised to find out it's a Power Rangers themed skin pack to purchase or something like that.

:viking: Sailor

He posted in his Discord earlier today saying

"I am working on the support for the Ashlands update. I should have the update, at worst, a few days after the official release (which was today)"

I do know that a lot of land areas to the North of the Ashlands have changed, can't really see how much until the seeds can be viewed so just need to wait.

Haha it's probably on the list. I know both of my grans (one in her 80s, the other her 90s) spend most of their time watching reruns of Poirot or The Antiques Roadshow and the likes. :D

Depending on how far the other sockets are you could try an extension cable, can pick those up cheap on Amazon, from one of the other rooms with a standard ariel socket. Though you might need a booster if it's travelling a fair bit from the ariel.

In the UK we still have Freeview (antenna) and Freesat (satellite dish) which provide around a hundred plus channels for free this way. They're on the way out, but still around for now due to an aging population and not wanting to plunge them into the total abyss of not being able to watch 30 year old reruns.

You may get an item with better base stats pretty quick, true, but the saber from the Forge mission is a free legacy bound one which can be upgraded. They're always something to keep a hold of. Most of my level 80 toons still use them.

This is the correct answer. Not sure why people are downvoting it and upvoting the incorrect answers. The one they have equipped is not the saber you get for completing forge, and any mission reward you fail to receive support is the way to get it fixed. There's even a specific option for it when filing a ticket.

I've had this issue a few times over the years and support always send the item to character mail within the hour.

Clang Worshipper

Tend to prefer solo play, can do my own thing at my own speed and if clang claims me it's my own fault.

Do occasionally play with my brother but only if we're visiting each other and are in the same room because even to this day MP can be... peculiar... and sometimes things you see on one screen don't match what the other is seeing which leads to higher chances of things unexpectedly dismantling in an explosive manner.

When we do play together we tend to just load up one of our solo worlds and the other joins in to help out with some stuff. Then we steal ideas from each other to take back to our worlds.

Axe wielding maniac

This exact situation is why I always keep a sledgehammer in my trailer now.
I saw you tried to ram it and then died to a horde in the aftermath, you have my sympathies.
I've felt that pain too.

Pretty standard, it's now her house and she's allowing you to lodge there.