I did not. I had a bassinet in our room but he didn’t not sleep in our bed. Adult mattresses aren’t actually safe for babies/toddlers until they are 2 years old.

I just binged all seven seasons of Young Sheldon. Here looking for recommendations too 😅

My check actually came in the mail today surprisingly

I was supposed to get an erefund but when I called the financial aid office yesterday they told me it was being processed and mailed as a paper checked. Someone from the cashiers office is “supposed” to be calling me to explain why but I haven’t heard anything.

So I just talked to financial aid and even though I have e-refund set up, she said a paper check has been mailed. Is there any hope they will get it fixed to be a e-refund or am I screwed?

Did you get an email?

Now I’m worried. My balanced zeroed out but I haven’t received an email and it still says “REFUND CREDIT BALANCE”. This was my first year doing erefund and I’m hoping it will process and not be a paper check.

Mine too! There’s hope!

Haven’t gotten my erefund and it isn’t reflected on that portal yet. Anxiously waiting so I can buy textbooks.

I couldn’t tell a difference. If anything I think it may look very slightly different due to her dress being new, clean, and brighter compared to well worn sample dress.


Pacifiers are absolutely safe. They help have proven to help prevent SIDS and are in fact the ONLY safe thing to have in a crib with a baby. My son, who is now 2, used a pacifier from 1 day old. At 1 year we took them away cold turkey in the house and at 15 months took them away in the car and he had no issues with missing them at all.

Edited to add: I’m not sure how you have chosen to feed your baby (fed is best! Whether you are nursing, pumping, using formula or a combination) but I wanted to add that I stressed about “nipple confusion” for the first month because that’s all everyone told me and I had zero issues with nursing for 15 months.

Yes please! At my sons 2 year old appointment the front desk asked if I wanted to schedule his 30 month appointment it took me (admittedly too long) to do the math and respond with “his two and half year? Yes please”.

YTA. Your sister invited you to her wedding and even okayed you staying at her home. Any host, regardless if it is for a wedding or not, would want to know when a guest is arriving. She even went so far as to offer transportation from the airport if needed. Her wedding (and dinners leading up to it) may have been small and intimate, but they still requiring planning. And stop using your kids as an excuse. If my husband and I both work 45+ hours a week and can manage to travel out of state with a toddler for a wedding then you can do it with your two older children. Lastly, you obviously are tech savvy enough to use Reddit and I would hard pressed to think you’re not on any other kind of social media/checking emails so would it really have taken that much time and effort to respond to her email or text her back???

Just a note, there is a pocket on the bottom back so you can put a fan inside! My baby runs hot so that was a must for us.

My son (13 months at the time of use) used it for the first time on vacation and didn’t have any issues.

Hi! Case Manager for adults and kids with ID/DD.

Is your mom your legal guardian? Or just Representative Payee? If she’s just your payee, you do not need her permission to contact the social security administration to have her removed and have your checks come straight to you. If she is your legal guardian, that still does not give her the right to control you with your money. That is financial abuse. Depending what state you’re in, I would recommend contacting your case manager if you have one and your local human rights advocate.

If you need help finding that info, I will do my best to find it for you.

Edit: if you don’t have a case manager, APS is a good starting point as well.

My mom was this person for me and my friends in high school. She came and picked us up a handful of times and there was never any yelling or punishments. She was just happy I felt safe enough to call her. One of my friends and I started growing apart and running in different friend groups and I’ll never forget she got into a situation at a party where I wasn’t present and she STILL called my mom. And my mom went, picked her up and brought her back to our house so she was safe.

My mon and I are still super close to this day and no doubt this is one (of many) reasons.

Familiarity with books (yes some are bound to get ripped and that’s ok), falling down and letting him determine if he’s actually hurt it just startled (within reason), starting straws cups, napping in the crib before fully transitioning from the bassinet, and being able to play on his own (a necessity since I work from home three days a week).

We invited kids and have around 8 between 5 and 10 years old and I’m glad we did. They were all well behaved and they cut it up on the dance floor.

I had such anxiety about this I bought my own so I would not have to ask.


Getting dressed and thinking you look ok and having a sliver of confidence only to walk past a storefront or mirror and think “Oh God, that’s what I look like? I look huge!”

Edit: Also being so incredibly aware of the sound your pants make as you walk. I swear everyone in my office can hear me coming down the hall and I hate it.

Hi! So a few things I would change. Move his bedtime up, I’d say he should be asleep by 7-7:15 at the latest. Does he have his own room? My son is also 99th percentile for height and once we moved him from his bassinet to his crib at 6 months he was so, so much happier.

We ended up doing cry it out at 9 months because he was in the habit of needing/wanting to nurse at every wake up (every 3ish hours). We did a modified version where I still rocked him to sleep but did CIO during the night.

The first night felt miserable and he woke up and grunted and yelled for 40 minutes while I basically stared at the monitor. Then he put himself to sleep and didn’t wake up the rest of the night. Night 2 had two wakings, the first 17 minutes and second 6 minutes. Third night one waking that was 10 minutes. Since then he’s been sleeping through the night without waking at all from 7:15pm-7am.

Edit: formatting