Who cares? Stopping weed? Really?

Go do something useful, LPD.

What do you mean “liked?”

I still love their flavor of enthusiastic disco! 🎉❤️👍

Came here to say this. We ran our last DW campaign using UD exclusively and it ran beautifully.

Not just the Republicans. Both major parties are complicit in the lack of reasonable gun regulation in the US.

Haters gonna hate. You look sharp without the beard. You look approachable with it. Both looks are legit. Go with what you like.

Our favorite right now is Icarus. Phase one is all about creating a great city. The rest of the game is watching it come apart.

Shame on HiG for this. How petty.

I’m a big fan of Outer Presence for cosmic horror and illuminated one-shots.

I reach for Space Aces any time there’s an itch to run fun tongue-in-cheek sci fi one shots.

And finally there are a number of Powered by the Apocalypse games which lend themselves well to one shots because character creation is so quick—Dungeon World, Avatar Legends, Epyllion, and Monster of the Week are all highly accessible.

Hope this helps!

I would hope you would. That’s a big way for them to get new clients.

“You can fuck directly out that door!” Seldom used but always nice to have in my back pocket.

Roll whatever you want but metal dice may only be rolled into a dice tray at my table because they tend to damage tabletops.

56 y/o cis male in the North Houston/Tomball area.

Cannot speak for anyone else but I am prone to sunburn so long sleeves are a must. Linen is the fabric of choice since it breathes well and seems to reflect sunlight. Long pants are a must for similar reasons although I again go for linen rather than denim whenever possible.

On f these—I’m going with Nine Nine dressed as Boyles.

First one. It’s the one that hits a different beat from most stickers.

From Dusk to Dawn. I absolutely love that movie. Until the vampires show up. Then, WTF?

This is exactly what Reading Rainbow was created to address.

The question is, what’s going to be our next RR?

Agreed. Rand’s philosophy is garbage. No one should read Rand, not even as a cautionary tale.

56 y/o cis man here.

You say you’re a feminist and they immediately call you names? You don’t need them.

Free your soul of their negativity, insecurity, and selfishness. You won’t regret it.

Shopping for one right now. Volvo has a smallish one (they call it a small SUV. Looks more like a hatchback to me.) that has excellent safety ratings.


For me—and not telling anyone else how to play—solo RPGs are an exercise in creative writing. The goal is sometimes simply to discover how much I can produce from a given prompt. The goal at other times is to make the best possible response to a prompt. And in the latter case, retcon is 100% a-okay.

And since retcon is also perfectly acceptable in our traditional RPG groups, I cannot imagine what harm retconning our solo games would be.