Baseball is my favorite sport. It has been since I was a kid. I used to love watching the Cubs on WGN with my dad every summer, going to a couple of games a year when we could.

The fact that the season is over already at this point, with this payroll, with this manager, is a fucking disgrace. Even when the Cubs suck I still enjoy watching them, usually. But I don’t this year. And I don’t think I’ll be watching much anymore. They’re going to sell and they should. See yall next year.

I didn’t watch this game. It’s the first game all season where I said “I’ve seen enough, I’m not watching a single second of this garbage”.

Surprise surprise, all the hits were by the same three guys they have been all season. Busch, Belli, and Suzuki. I’ve never seen such a sorry, sad lineup in all my years watching the Cubs. They seem to have 4 automatic outs, minimum, every single night. Lately it’s closer to 5 or 6.

I can’t wait until NBA summer league or something. I’m don’t watching these guys. Woof.

How someone can look at what the Catholic Church did for decades and simply shrug and say “there are bad apples everywhere” is beyond me. It is one of the most shocking and disgusting instances of long term, wide spread child abuse in human history.

But sure, Fox News said the LGBT community are perverts, so obviously that instantly makes them worse than a literal racket of pedophiles that operated with impunity for years. These people are fucking disgusting.

Is “their candidate” the one they told to drop out of the race in an editorial on Friday? Moron.

And not just an option, but a cheaper option? This is the first I’m hearing of it.

If it weren’t for Imanaga I would vote for the cutout.

You'll love it at Levitz!

He knows it is financially lucrative. And that’s probably it.

You'll love it at Levitz!

What does that have to do with anything lol

Chadtopian Citizen

If only Tom Brady had retired when he was the football equivalent of 70 years old (which is 40 years old) he might still have his family. Oh well!

If you can handle absolutely brutal winters and hot, humid summers that feel just as bad as here if not a hair worse, then Chicago can be great.

That said, southern WI is... not for me. There is really not a ton to do (unless you want to drive to MKE or CHI), and everything is super spaced out. There are an okay amount of local restaurants, and everyone pretty much drinks all the time, which is nice, but it is also a fairly conservative area, which doesn't sit well with me personally.

I have family in that area. When I visit all we do is drink. Everything is 20 minutes away. Every other yard has a sign berating Gov. Evers or a Trump flag. 3-4 months out of the year it is so humid you won't want to be outside. 4+ months out of the year it is so cold you won't want to be outside. There are tons of mosquitos and my allergies are terrible out that way. It's something.

That said, it is also a lot quieter. It's obviously a lot cheaper. It tends to be cleaner, and you won't have people shaking you down for money at CVS. People are passionate about their sports teams and their alcohol. You're a couple hours from anywhere by plane (no 5+ hour plane rides like SF -> NYC).

If it were me, I'd move to Chicago or stay here. But YMMV. Good luck!

Why does Boog always sound disappointed when the opposing team’s line drives are foul? Which side is this guy on?

I don't think Counsell even cares anymore, just let them play rock-paper-scissors or draw a name out of a hat or something.

The script writers know how to extract max pain from this fan base. They know our bullpen can't blow a lead if we don't have one.

Yeah I agree about seeing the same commercials over and over though lol. Seeing something a dozen times every hour doesn't make me want it more either. Unless it's ribs.

I've been playing around on FanGraphs because watching this team isn't painful enough by itself (I was egged on by them being 1-10 with RISP).

Since the end of April this team has hit the 4th fewest HRs in the league, has the 3rd fewest RBI, the 2nd lowest BA, and are dead LAST in SLG. The only two things they do remotely well is steal bases (they're 4th) and BB%, which they're 6th in. But even that is offset by the fact that they're also 6th in K%.

I doubt anyone cares, but I wanted to put this out there. This team has been so fucking disgusting to watch and I just had to quantify it.

It should. It is a great show. A lot more enjoyable than watching the Chicago Baby Bears.

I don't want the Cubs to trade Steele. At all. And I don't think that, left to their own devices, they will try to.

But if I am Steele, I might demand a trade after this showing lmao. Dude seems to be the only one who gives a shit about winning and I think he is starting to notice it.


0-5 with RISP and it is only the 3rd inning.

Multiple fielding errors and blunders and it is only the 3rd inning.

lmao, even

Ball actually bounced a foot in front of home plate and Swanson swings at it, then watches one firmly in the zone. Something is off with this guy.

Yeah I feel like this should just be taken down. I don’t know what OP wants us to say. Errors suck and everyone experiences them.

Meanwhile the sky is still blue and the sun still rises in the East. Ob la di, ob la da.

And there’s no clear path to improvement. They have no one to sell, no reason to buy, and no high impact prospects that they can promote. Absolute joke for a team that is 4 years into a rebuild.