I would hope not, if she has also committed these crimes.

I did this, fill the holes completely, and it worked fine but I was careful taking off the base plate so as not to damage the shingle underneath. Looks much better with everything removed.

The first step is to quit calling it "US politics" and call out the crazy right wingers (including Trump) that are the real threat. The press acting like it is everyone is part of the problem.

I believe the punch line is "if you two aren't drinking, neither will I".

Don't feel bad. They just don't fit well unless you have a large junction box. I have given up on one before. Comments here are good and the best advice is cutting as much excess wiring as possible as they usually include enough for a post extension to lower the fan.

I thought cool advertising ... holy crap what a pervert... maybe not good advertising.

Or if there was just a rumor of any of those.

This should show two pie charts. One blue and one orange. Both are true. Biden has been agreat president +1vote for Biden. Trump is a crazy rapist crook + 1 vote for Biden.

The only variable not know is time to pay back. So if you took 48 years and about 7 months to pay it back the monthly rate would be about $1,372 a month for a total repayment of about $800,000. But that might not be what is asked.

Yikes..watch out for catching a disease and I am not talking about the squirrel.

Wait. Do they count as dependents for tax purposes? If so that business will be booming!

We didnt say it, that moron did. Trumps credibility is at stake... as if he ever had any.

He is still out there being right about all kinds of things. Very good at explaining complex economic issues.

There is another one coming up. I hope he looks harder this time.

Yeah, until he is convicted. Then it will be Benghazi something... something.

Actually the traffic is better today. Thats's how it looks the rest of the time.