I quit gaming after Stadia and have not found anything that can be remotely compared to the experience it gave. Deep down I foolishly hope it returns but I fear such a platform experience will take many years to return. Especially the rise of AI and the need for GPU's in that industry might prolong the return of a comparable platform.

Dit schilderij vat goed samen hoe ik me voel over de huizenmarkt in Nederland. Veels te veel geld betalen voor iets dat gevoelsmatig totaal niet in relatie staat tot de daadwerkelijke waarde van wat je koopt.

Dat befaamde setje. Als tiener heb ik ze jaren lang bewaard tot ik een keer blut was🤣

Kan niet wachten tot de techno DJ's Vainakh Vibe, Grozny Groove samen met de metal Bands Kafir Khalk en Chechen Chains naar Nederland komen😎

(Mengelmoes van de comments)

Schrijf dick zonder notities dan cunt slet goed fout gaan hoer.

Als je er maar begrip voor hebt.


Alleen woont deze boomer in New York City😉

So not a virus but just an app exploiting notifications...

Reasonable forecast and much more than I expected. Thanks.

George Lucas called, he wants his dog back.

...Goodbye, human, gotta go,
Gotta leave you all behind and chase the light...

I see a little furrball of a cat,
Scratch-a-mou, Scratch-a-mou, can you play the laser game?

Thunderbolts and scratching posts,
Very, very fluffy me!

I'm just a kitty, nobody loves me.
He's just a kitty from a feline family.

Nothing really matters, anyone can see,
Nothing really matters, except for my kitty tree...

Beautifully encapsulated! Your metaphor of the digital symphony, the masquerade ball, and the weaving of the tapestry captures the essence and intricacies of Reddit and online interaction as a whole. Every voice, every keystroke, adds depth and nuance to this digital mosaic. It's a reminder that amidst the codes, pixels, and algorithms, it's the human spirit that truly brings these platforms to life. Kudos for painting such a vivid picture of our shared digital journey! 🚀🖋️🎭

They do not hire real Jedi's because it's a movie duhhh...