Colo-rectal Surgeon [33]

Was coming to make this comment.

OP seems to think parents are $$$$$ richy-rich when in reality they are only moderately wealthy.

:georgiatech: :floridastate: Georgia Tech • Florida State

We’re Georgia Tech, we can do that!

:georgiatech: :floridastate: Georgia Tech • Florida State

GT 🐝 vs Cal 🐻

I saw this on a cartoon once or twice. It’s entertaining.

I scored an A in this class. Here is my advice:

  1. Do you know what your exam is going to look like?

My professor was a bit all over the place. He assigned a lot of reading, but in class we did a lot of hypos and went off on tangents. In office hours, I asked repeatedly about the format of the test. Ours was 60 MCQ’s and “would be similar to what you’d see on the MPRE, with my own twists.” (My prof’s words.)

  1. Since he said this, I spent all of my study time in the MRPC deep in the comments. I pulled out every example they gave and every slight twist of phrase of the rules that the comments explained. Turns out, this was 95% of our exam.

Good luck!

Actually they used this line! “This is child abuse.” I was pumping gas, my kid had run inside to get a Slurpee. I didn’t hear it, or I would have lost my mind. But my kid was like WTF

A boomer accosted my son (who was 12 at the time) for wearing a mask back in 2021 at a gas station. We were going to see a friend of his who had recently been in the hospital and had a low immune system, but really, it wasn’t any of their business. The absolute ANGER this person spewed at a CHILD for wearing a mask was unhinged. To this day my kid still talks about it.

No one yet has said Jon Benet Ramsey?

The case is so full of holes, conspiracy theories, alternative timelines, people who have confessed but weren’t involved in any way, parents with a large amount of money connected to shady people … the list goes on and on.

I feel like this case could be solved today through DNA tracing or similar but … for some reason, no one wants the real answer

I have been married ~18 years, and I get what you’re saying. But there’s a difference between “convincing him” and just telling him what you’re doing.

You have a right to make decisions for yourself because you have bodily autonomy. You do not have to convince him. You just have to inform him.

I have had so much success on Semaglutide that it would be hard for my husband not to notice I’m on it. I also don’t eat much now. Imagine how he’d feel if he found out you’d been lying by omission?

I was going to say, it’s definitely not Global Warming.

Reddit is quicker than the news most of the time. So I always come here first.

This is how my neighbors growing up ended up staying in America. They were visiting from Yugoslavia when it fell.

The City of Atlanta is having serious water issues right now.

For the Carters: were they childhood acquaintances, or did they meet through a childhood acquaintance?

True love right there 🌯

hey was there an earthquake?

How every single website now has a cookie you have to accept or decline just to read it.

I was already awake in Cupertino, and yes I felt it. My dog also woke up mad about it.


I very much agree with OP and with this comment right here.

Everything OP says is true, and even now Harry has not gone home to show support in the family’s time of greatest need. Meghan should be ashamed of herself for not fostering and encouraging him to do so. His dad is dying, his SIL may be dying. And Meghan is smiling for the cameras, dragging Harry along with her. Just disgraceful .

They also love quoting the UCC, which is the Uniform Commercial Code and applies to commercial transactions.

It’s what we study extensively in law school contracts & secured transactions classes. I often have trouble connecting the dots when they put specific provisions of the UCC on their license plates, for example, because it never applies to what they think it does.

I like the Bush family as people.

Disregarding policy-

I think HW was a solid grandpa type dad figure, W was obviously always (unintentionally) hilarious, I even liked Jeb in FL and I like watching Jenna now on the Today Show. I think they are a fun bunch and I bet holidays are a blast on their ranch.

Clinton is also incredibly intelligent. I think it gets lost a lot in all of the “other” stuff, but dude is wicked smart.

What are your politics? You’re coming from the NE and headed into some pretty red areas. May not matter to you at all. May matter a lot.