Look it's nearly mid day on the election day and I think it's time to ask the question, why hasn't Labour fixed everything yet?

Very disappointing performance from Starmer as PM so far.


Not just mocked her, mocked her in front of her berieved parents.

Hate this when anyone takes sensationalised soundbites from Starmer and extrapolate them into the worst case scenario. The alternative is so so much fucking worse it is not even remotely funny.

Had one myself I was pretty shocked at. Scottish family party, who want to ban abortion, allow conversion therapy and repeal the equal rights act.

Reminds me of Seagullis blaming Labour for the Rwanda plan not passing on a vote that he abstained from.

Your gov has a majority you dunce, why are they needing labours support?

I'm somewhere that for some insane reason is still pretty much guaranteed to vote the conservatives in and I've no real idea who to vote for (tactically that is.) It was SNP last time as they were the 2nd favourite but support for them has collapsed somewhat so I don't know who actually has the best chance of beating them.

Alan, man's got game.

Yup, not even chicken feed according to a certain morally upstanding former PM.

I imagine there's a pretty big mechabellum/40k crossover, plus it's just a nice recognisable shortening.

Burrowing breaks attack though, so if there are other units nearby meltas and steel balls will lock onto them as well, sure if you can keep them distracted long enough meltas will melt them, as is their job.

I do look forward to them being introduced and want to see what the counters are and develop my own.

Cool design but they look pretty broken, what are the best counters to them at the moment? The look like they can chaff clear, take down mediums easily, take down giants, nullify meltas/steel balls, negate range and can spec into anti air, as well as create their own army. That 15% of health per second while underground heal looks pretty busted too.

I'm guessing you need to tie them up with chaff as best as possible and hit them hard with long ranged stuff, sandstorm is quite interesting, as it looks like a buff and nerf to anything in it so will need to be managed well, helps it be a support to other melee units as well though so benefits its own summons highly.

I'm sure it will have been tested and the devs can do ongoing adjustment with data when released, and I could be wrong in my assessment.

America is reduced to a nation of aircraft carriers, the land is buried under a tide of ratmen, with the speed of it depending on the clan. Pestilens would be the fastest I would imagine, with a plague destroying America within weeks.

As for the world, maybe. I could see enough of them managing to cross the Bering straight but their biggest enemy will be themselves and the black hunger, but once established with a big enough population on the Asian mainland I think that is it for humanity.

Why wait, I'm going to do a tory and blame him for the way everything is now.

Trying to remember if it was totalbiscuit back in the day who had a reasonable definition of what made something a game rather than as you say a toy, there has to be failure states.

Could be gutter oil but I've also seen it as cassava leaf stew, which would explain the pepper floating about in it.


Yes but most parties don't tend to put this sort of thing front and center on their leaflets, even if it is what they believe in.

They oppose a ban on conversion therapy, intend to repeal the gender recognition act and oppose abortion and assisted suicide.

I was wondering which parties out there would make reform look like ordinary sensible folk by comparison, then I got a leaflet through the door from the Scottish family party.

Bloody hell...

Stark is afraid but easily keeps it distracted with fern keeping at bay any heads he might not tie up with quick fire. Meanwhile Frieren analyses it's magical defense during the fight and figures out how to crack it, and then simultaneously takes it's heads off with a wide-scale zoltraak equivalent.