Is that guy pledging allegiance to the Walgreens?

Sit outside and have a banana 🍌

Just throw the whole house away

Have fun with your vampire 🧛🏽‍♂️😈

My dad had an earbud from a pair of in-ear headphones stuck in his ear for a while and didn’t know it. Had to get it removed at the doctor as well haha. It happens 😂 15 years is pretty long though 😅

Bet this guy jerks off to Charlottesville photos

Being attracted to someone has never been a prerequisite for reproducing with them lol. Sure, only reproducing with good-looking people is probably the goal for many, but the ugly people of the world aren’t gonna stop banging each other for the sake of the beautiful ones 😂

Yeah I’m not trying to convince you of that. People that commit crimes like this should be held accountable, but I’m not sure it’s possible or ethical to give every single person a psychiatric evaluation and declare them either able to have kids or not. I think education is still the only long-term solution for keeping severely mentally ill people, who are unfit to raise kids, from having kids. I don’t think it matters whether they’re the type that would abuse their kids intentionally or they’re just incapable of taking care of them, a good education (and healthcare) system is the key I think

They are like small alien overlords that have come to observe your life and relax on top of various things

That is a very cute chicken! The way it’s standing and that sleepy look remind me of my cat, who is also very small and fuzzy

Yes, but eugenics isn’t the way to do that. You can implement systems that provide for those mentally ill people in whatever way is best for them. That probably means not having kids in most cases, but that’s a part of a much larger picture, not making a law that says this category of people can’t have kids. That’s a recipe for having those people be treated as less than human

It has the correct number of vowels, they’re just the wrong ones and in the wrong places

Petting that big fluffy chest fur when a cat is sitting so properly upright like this is one of my favorite things in life 🥹

The answer is education. You can’t force people not to have kids, as practical and reasonable as it might sound. The only thing you can do is fund these communities, especially the public schools, so kids can learn that it’s not fucking okay to feed babies Mountain Dew. Politicians that represent these places not only don’t give a fuck about these kids, they’re forcing them to be born, and then refuse to give parents like this any economic or educational help at all.

Arizona is a weird state, coming from someone who was born and raised there and only recently moved away as a 28 year old. Liberals are now the majority, clearly, but the Republicans have just gone absolutely batshit insane. They say Arizona is “purple” now, but really, it’s just a non-homogeneous mixture of very blue and extremely red. I have to say though, electing Katie Hobbs as governor shows the state is on the right trajectory. Actual policy things have been happening with regard to water conservation, etc. Pretty cool.

Probably easier for a 12 year old to buy a pack of cigarettes than check out a library book now in some of these states. That’s late stage capitalism and decades of defunding education for ya

Yet another thing I learned in law school during the past 2 years that is suddenly completely the opposite. We’re in a Dark Ages.

I just took Admin Law this past year in law school, and now pretty much all of it (all the important stuff—Chevron) doesn’t fucking matter anymore. I hope I can look back in a few decades and remember this insane time as a blip that we were able to rectify and not the beginning of the end of the world.