I don’t know any cps teacher that makes even close to that. That would be amazing if they did. They need to be paid more for what they do.

Does it go by another name 😂?

Still waiting to hear if I am going….


Mom and her boy( the big one is the baby!!)

It just tasted like tomato sauce to me. Not getting it again


Mom and her (big) baby. Yup the big one is her baby! She is about 7lbs and him about 13lbs

Waiter didn’t believe I could handle it. My Indian friend had to tell her I absolutely could. In the end it was not that spicy and I told the waiter that.

I am on my way now!! Thanks for the heads up

Thank you 🙏!! I will give that a try

Me too I went searching 😂😭

I just failed mine so any suggestions on it would be appreciated. I am using skill boost, cloud guru and quizlet

Cloud guru is great. Quizlet is great for flashcards etc. And of course skill boost through google cloud

Check out cloudguru as well

I just used mine on Joe’s it was phenomenal

I would take the boxes any day over the chewing of my banister. Side note vet said his teeth look great from the banister grinding ha!

Same thing happened to me! I was so disappointed when I tasted the sweetener.

I am biased! She is beautiful. In doing some research I found out that the only true black cat is the Bombay cat. All others are technically black tabbies that can sometimes be seen in the light.

Most vets had never seen a goat like my cats. The last vet told me it is not a smoke cat but an agouti cat coat which is usually seen more in bunnies
