Amazed anyone cares about the opinions of celebs/athletes...perform and let us watch, but please do it without speaking about things other than your skill.

so you think because they are anti abortion they are not a good choice for raising the baby???

hmmm, when you left, you slaughtered animals, burned homes that were built and previously occupied by Azerbaijanis, burned bee hives, poisoned wells, etc...strange they want to erase traces of you

Interesting experience you are having. The times I have been in Baku, while people may not necessarily offer help, they are incredibly helpful and will try to help if you ask them.

I mean with 3 kids, there are going to be tremendous sacrifices...presumably you understood this at the time. Kids are incredibly expensive...not saying they are not worth it, but they cost a lot!!

The survey was taken in 2017...a bit old to be worth much.

I retired at 40 and kid now in college. Very disciplined and high-achieving and I believe me being at home played a role as I was able to identify opportunities and ensure he was challenged and happy. I did not just sit around all day. I could see that being a problem.

We are probably a 3 or 4...location and safety matter but otherwise it is a place to sleep. My idea of vacation does not include spending time in the hotel. We hardly ever eat at the hotel as we prefer to check out the surrounding restaurants.

It is crazy for Europe to expect the US to protect them when they are not willing to build up their defenses as needed.

I travelled fairly extensively but never purchased anything from the countries. Sometimes when we go to someone's house that has tastefully decorated items from abroad, I wish I had purchased more but at the same time I do not have to worry about moving it to dust plus it sure makes travelling easier to not have "stuff" to carry around

Cheaters in every country but I never experienced these in Baku...unfortunate this happened to you as it is a great country to visit...highly recommend going here and Georgia!

I think a trip to Azerbaijan and Georgia is hard to beat. Both are great, safe countries to spend time in...The food is wonderful IMO.

This is exactly what all of the EU and the US should be doing...

I worked a job I did not really enjoy but it paid very well and I retired early. Definitely the right decision for me...BUT, I did not hate it and I did not have a different job that I think I would have enjoyed. If you hate a job, it would be terrible to go to work each day. If there is nothing you can do to change the job you hate, then it is not worth the money.

unfortunately these days everyone gets "top" grades and there is often little variation in courses taken. try to differentiate yourself with projects if you can


I am from the USA and have travelled to many countries and the only country I ever had a problem getting into was the first time I went to Canada. I retired early and was travellng and they thought I was coming for medical reasons )) I only post this as someone below posted that the guest messed up and did not understand the entry rules...not always the case.

Free yourself from the thought that you need to walk around with a water bottle all day long and get rid of water bottles completely. If you look around, it is primarily only folks from the USA that do this.

We are in NC and this is what we have done.

I would not say it has been painless as the Property Manager initially wanted to use their local contact at Raymond James to buy brokered CDs at a cost of $100/CD. It took a lot of time but finally it was agreed to open a Fidelity account and are either putting money into short term treasury bills or leaving it in the money market. Either way a huge increase for us. Now I just need to get them to reduce the balance in the operating account....

Still things to sort out but it was worth it.

I would also note that we moved to a new PM and this was part of the reason as the former PM would not agree to do anything other than CDs.

A few years ago, I bought about 200 acres to hunt on. The land had been used for many years for hunting. Luckily I have not had issues with anyone (that I know of) hunting on the land but the bigger issue is if there are trails you could have folks riding through your land on ATVs or dirt bikes. This happened to me so I cut/dropped some large trees across the paths. In my experience, the trail riders are much worse than hunters.

Most hunters that I know would not hunt on land where they do not have permission but you do need to mark it as no hunting. I buy a gallon of purple paint and each year am slowly making my way around the property to ensure it is all marked. In my state, purple on trees indicates no hunting.

I am a "tree-hugger" by nature and believe I do more than my part, except for flying, for cutting green house gas emissions. I have seen a few clips going around which talk about the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and how much of that is created by humans, it is miniscule. .04% in the atmosphere with only a piece of that from humans. So as someone who has not really studied the causes, is it carbon dioxide causing climate change. It seems like it is too small to make a difference. If not carbon dioxide then what is it? Thanks

I was in Helsinki for the first time a few weeks ago. Kids have some sort of uniform they wear. Each school seems to have a different one and it has some sort of emblems sewn into it. I think these uniforms are only for special days though. It was interesting to see.

Don't snack. You will save money on the food and on health issues. Win win...

This is much better than giving any aid to Israel. Israel is "richer" than the US so why we give them anything is beyond me...