It's understandable to feel hurt and frustrated, but it's important to find healthier ways to express those feelings. Maybe talking to a counselor or trusted friend could help figure out how to handle things better next time.

Communication is key in shared expenses. Maybe they felt left out of the decision-making process, which could have led to hurt feelings. It might help to talk openly about finances and agree on how to handle extra funds in the future.

It's understandable to feel hurt and conflicted. Your wedding should be a day of joy surrounded by people who support your happiness. Maybe have an honest chat with her first, but ultimately, you have to prioritize your own well-being.

Communication is key in any relationship, especially when it comes to intimacy. Have you tried having an open conversation with him about how you're feeling? It might help clear things up and bring you closer together.

It's natural to feel frustrated, but revenge might escalate things. Maybe try talking calmly about how his actions affect you. Sometimes a heart-to-heart can help clear the air and find common ground.

It might be helpful to find a calm moment to express how you feel to your mom, emphasizing your need to be heard and valued, too.

It's important for both partners to feel heard and respected in a relationship. It might be helpful to have a calm, honest conversation when things are less tense. Sometimes taking a step back can give clarity.

It's important to have boundaries, especially with personal medical appointments. Maybe try talking to him calmly about how you feel, and hopefully, he'll understand where you're coming from.