The long run in this case is likely much shorter than your time there

Vinyl itself is okay, but prolonged exposure can result in moisture finding its way underneath the vinyl and then you'll see warping and permanent damage. Even leaving water around for a few minutes can be detrimental in the long run, so it's best to use a small amount and dry it quickly.

That menu still exists, maybe there's no hotkey for it but I'm sure you can just go to the main menu or something to find it.

Open up the collections menu (on PC I believe it's 'Y' by default), you'll see the leave button on the right.

Saying the post quality goes down at the start of summer implies post quality goes up at the end of summer, and we all know that's not true. Summer reddit is a myth.

I'm well aware how internet connectivity works, it's a big part of my job.

I likely don't play nearly as much as you do, but I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've been disconnected since release. For reference I have maybe 40 hours this season and cannot remember any crashes or disconnects. I'm up to about Pit 90 or so, and my home Internet is slower than yours and my router cheaper.

It could be bad luck, your ISP, your computer, Blizzard servers affecting you but not everyone at the same time, etc.

High bandwidth and overpriced routers don't necessarily mean your connection is stable.

Of course an omnipotent and omniscient creator deity could also accomplish anything they wanted without making millions of innocent creatures suffer.

Hard to have true free will when we did not enter into that agreement willingly, cannot sever that agreement, and the other party in the agreement still knows everything we have ever done or will ever do. And then gives bone cancer to children.

A lot of people are just so rigid in their beliefs that they can't possibly imagine compromising even an inch just to help de-escalate a situation and move on with their lives. I think Sean and the officer handled this very well.

There are 4 mods in this sub. /u/dawnday9622 hasn't posted on reddit for 11 years, /u/discogodfather6922 hasn't in 8 years, and /u/MySockHurts is banned.

/u/Horizon_Brave is active on reddit, but hasn't made a post on this sub in ~8 years and last commented (as far as I can tell) 3 years ago telling someone to include the name of the film in their post title.

I'd say that counts as being unmoderated.

The first time I went in I was massively under leveled (like many of us) and had no idea how to get out. After the first two deaths I just stood at the entrance and googled the answer.

Game Design 👍

Any idea how widespread any of that is? I've been going to my local one for about 3 years and have never seen any of what you're talking about

Right now I am "Necromancer, Necrotic Necromancer"

And all of the good it will do them. Beating your children isn't the answer, problem is dad clearly doesn't have any other tools in his arsenal

my feet have never been dizzy nor vomited

If he always flew in a private jet or first class, always stayed in luxury hotels, drove the most expensive Bugatti, and always got $1,000 haircuts he STILL would have died with an estimated net worth of almost $60 billion.

Being "frugal" doesn't make you a billionaire.

You can't use that if the user is stuck at the login screen, right?

This sub could be so cool, but people always just post a photo where the object is dead center. Makes this sub suck a lot.

That's exactly my method, except I'm a meta slave minion necro this season so my downtime is basically all the time so my inventory has never been cleaner lol