No meu tempo éramos os “caixas de óculos”. Agora são oculados? 😦

Ahahah this happened to me as well. 😂 So embarrassing!

If you intend to bring your motorcycle, then please check the taxes you have to pay to bring it here. 😊 it can be rather expensive .

The worst part is having a grey sky from October until February. The days feel the same. But even worse than that is when it becomes dark at 15:30 (this happens around December/ January). If you can work remotely from another country during that time (or take some days off), that’s highly recommended.

Also, another thing that is bad is the fact that medicine is not preventive. So basically if you are used to have yearly health check-ups, well that’s not a thing here (or else you can do it outside of the system and it costs a lot). Healthcare is free, but they only take you seriously if you have some serious symptom. If not, just don’t even bother going there.

Este pessoal não deve conhecer o provérbio “amigos, amigos, negócios à parte”.


Eu fiz 3 unidades curriculares isoladas de matemática/estatística na UAb. Se aprendi? Sim, aprendi. Mas, no meu caso, gosto de ter aulas live porque sinto que aprendo mais assim do que a estudar de forma autónoma. Como tenho alguma dificuldade em concentrar-me sinto que, se tiver aulas, consigo perceber mais rapidamente os tópicos mais relevantes para estudar. Anyway, a UAb tem muitas vantagens: consegues gerir o teu tempo como bem entenderes, os profs normalmente são muito responsivos, os colegas costumam ser porreiros e, no meu caso, as avaliações foram feitas com recurso relatórios escritos (em vez dos típicos testes).

Boas dicas!

Apenas adiciono que, se for para comprar a crédito, aconselho o Dr. Finanças pq facilita bastante o processo visto que eles falam diretamente com vários bancos para te apresentar várias propostas. Comigo funcionou muito bem.

This says it all. No need for additional comments.

Concordo. Acho que o OP devia tentar planear viagens de visita e ela também. Tu vais a Portugal, e ela vai visitar-te regularmente (conforme puderem, claro). Até pode ser que ela, conhecendo o local onde estás, mude de ideias. 😊 Acho que vai permitir que percebas se, quando essa paixão “assentar”, é realmente “a pessoa”. E, se for, é tomar a decisão final. 😊

Concordo. Há anos que não encomendo pizza. Compro a massa no hipermercado, bem como os ingredientes e é só meter tudo lá para cima e levar ao forno. Demora 5 minutos a preparar e custa 5x menos. Voilá

Se não tens contrato de trabalho efetivo, nunca terás um empréstimo. (Isto assumindo que o que dizes sobre a CRC é verdade)

In the beginning, I felt the same way. I'm kind of an introvert, so I struggled a bit initially. Luckily, I had another foreign colleague on my team so I started going to the office on the same days he did, which helped. Now, after more than a year and getting to know my Danish colleagues (~30-45 yo) better, I feel they've become more open and inclusive.

One thing that I believe made a big difference for me was telling them I was taking Danish classes. They immediately started treating me differently (in a good way). It looked like they valued my efforts to try to integrate. Even though I still can't understand most of what they're saying (still on module 2), I always try to send them messages in Danish on Teams and ask them to reply in Danish (not for work-related stuff, just general conversation).

Yes, I am a portuguese citizen that doesn’t own a place, so my salary was not allowing me to have a comfortable life back home and could not save enough to have money to buy a house. That’s why I moved - so that I can try to save some money. 😊

I was earning more than you are and moved Denmark because that salary was not allowing me to have a decent life in Portugal. If I were you, I would move to Germany. Good luck.

Hi your rite, it’s me

Sent from my iPhon

That makes sense. I agree that it is quite expensive to live here.

Wow that is even worse. 😂 The criteria is weird sometimes… but maybe they want it to be a senior home. Ahah just kidding. But oh well, I guess we will never be happy with what we have, will we? 🥲

Yeah, I know Vestamager and I see a lot of families there, that’s true. I was expecting Bella Center’s new buildings to also receive a lot of families (expat or not) but unfortunately that was not the case. 😢 At least in our building. We even decided to rent a 3 room apartment since we want to start a family soon and we really thought that it would be a great environment for that but in the end, we ended up with people on their early 20s sharing apartments. (Again, no problems with this, just stating that it was not what we expected)

Restaurante “O Albertino” em Folgosinho. É preciso reservar com bastante antecedência.

Sou de 90 e uso tipo no meio de todas as frases. 😂

I live in Bella Center now, in a newly built building. I agree that the area seems to be improving, with a lot of new businesses coming in. I was reading the construction plan for Bellakvarter the other day, and it seems they have taken into consideration the failures of the other Ørestad neighborhoods and are trying to avoid some of the mistakes that were made before (wind corridors, for instance). So, there is clearly an effort to make it better.

However, it still feels like Danes are not very fond of this area. In my building, for instance, out of 18 apartments, only three have Danish families living in them. The remaining apartments are occupied by random young expats sharing apartments. I am not criticizing the fact that almost only expats are living here (since I am an expat myself), but I miss the feeling of being surrounded by families and I feel they prefer to live somewhere else.