Biomedical Engineering | Neuro-Opthalmology

This Podcast Will Kill You.

Estoppel-- in the name of loooooove!!

Procrastinators make the absolute worst enemies.


"Let me get my ladder-climbin' shoes!"

How the actual fuck is this not practicing medicine without a license?

She just went out for ciggies and a scratcher.

And maybe some box wine.

"I was invited for dinner!"

"No, as dinner!"

The only picture I want to see of this monster is him dressed in an orange jumpsuit.

Or laid out for his wake after he strokes out and visually shits himself during one of his fucking psycho rallies. Actually, I wouldn't mind a picture or that either.

CD 1983

I was sensitized to the mouse components by the time of my second infusion (not major, just a bit of itching and a (probably) psychosomatic bit of difficulty breathing and had to get a double dose of Benadryl for the next one which went okay. Fortunately Humira became available not too long after that.

Punish him in the most meaningful way -- take his money by using the system he cheerfully abuses.

Step 1. Check.

Now sue Dinesh for defamation. Fine" every penny made from this. Plus treble damages for willful dickishness with malice.

Or you could stop giving all these price-gouging fucksticks your money.

Otherwise you're helping encourage them to be price-gouging fucksticks.

Maybe it lets them remember the experience better, knowing that they were there once.

Did you notice the guy taking a picture of you taking a picture of people taking a picture of the Mona Lisa?

And will probably learn nothing from this.

I lived in Denver during the Great Hail of 1990. So many pockmarked cars!