Per their website FAQ: 

Please reach us at (204)889-7200 if you cannot find an answer to your question.

Have you tried calling them?

Like it says, weekend hours vary based on physician availability.  If nobody is available, they will not be open.    They have no obligation to post anything (though it would sure be nice of them to do so!) if they are unable to open.

I'd absolutely call them and ask. 

never really looked into them are these 2 any good?

What does "Good" mean to you?

I have an LS1 in my rig and do quite enjoy it; though I find the record function a little difficult to remember how to trigger.

looking for some cool tips and tricks as well

Make sure to read the manuals for both:

Most employeers in Canada are required to pay for benefits for employees for 3 months (+/-; depends on the plan / region / etc) before eligibility starts.

This is to prevent businesses from "hiring" people who simply abuse their benefits and then quit; which in turn prevents the group benefits providers from being abused.

Prior to this being a thing; there were businesses that simply:

  1. Incorporate ($500-5000; depending on province)
  2. Sign up for a group benefits plan and pay for the first month (with 1 employee) with a 1 year commitment
  3. Hire a bunch of employees who need coverage
  4. Onboard them into the plan
  5. Let employees abuse the plan for 11 months
  6. Bankrupt the company when the plan comes up for renewal.

The three month thing was introduced (I have no idea when.. prob 40+ years ago!) to allow the group benefits provider to do some background research and make sure the business was actually carrying on and not just a shell.

Alas; sucks anytime you change jobs here too.

they're all at over 20K for a 1600 sq. ft roof with a low pitch, less that 2/12. Is that normal pricing?


That works out to $12.5/SQFT of finished roof. (or $1333.33 per square)

Your question didn't include details on what all is being done; but if I assume your roof is leaking and needs to be replaced:

  • Tarp and untarp daily to prevent water intrusion (or build a temp roof overhead)
  • Erect parapet fencing for worker safety
  • Heat existing membrane
  • Remove material down to the structural deck (Sheathing)
  • inspect and replace deck/sheathing if needed
  • dispose of old material
  • install and seal underlayment (below 3/12 requires 2x overlap; meaning your 15 square roof needs about 18 square in underlay)
  • POTENTIALLY Insulate (2+ inches + mechanical fastening)
  • Redoing flashing all the way around (likely need to replace the single gutter too!)
  • membrane application
  • sealing
  • etc

This all assumes a 40x40 square 2-over-12 low-pitch roof; any penetrations will add complexity as these each need to be flashed and tented to prevent water from standing around them.

TBH; $20K seems low.

when it comes to the test I can't figure out what some of the questions are asking

Look forward to dealing with actual customers in the future. ;)

Best of luck getting through it!

So much this.

To anyone who's anti immigration: do you also want every adult women to be required to produce 3 children to maintain our growth needs? Or 2.1 for the replacement rate?

A declining population is NOT something nearly anyone actually wants..  I guess the rabid affordable housing advocates would be in favour of declining population..  as the demand for homes would drastically drop resulting in a decline in housing prices..    

At minimum we need to maintain our existing population.  Canadians do not reproduce nearly enough to replace ourselves.   Thus, immigration is absolutely necessary.

IT Manager

Coming from an MSP that regularly got brought in to companies who had been holed hard;

More often than not, simple plain misconfiguration and poorly understood "intentional" back doors are the origin.

The number of sites that have RDP exposed to the world, with a domain administration account that has a "password" set intentionally exposed so a solo admin (who had quit 4 years prior) could get back in if they lost access..

we have been noticing a massive increase of shady, subpar and unpermitted work done by builders that have none or very minimal experience building homes.

On the one hand, knowing how bad this has been for ~15 years,  I'm either worried that inspection is finally catching on,  OR really worried if it's gotten that much worse.

Back 10-15 years ago, I regularly saw the largest builders doing shady shit all over the city.  The small ones were 2x the price (for decent quality) or 1/2 the price for paper machete that vaguely resembled a house. 

If this has trended towards an increase in terrible builders, I feel for the former owners of the next house collapse. 

Can I argue that being silence did not indicate me leaving?

No.   The onus is on the tenant to indicate that they are renewing their lease.

Taking this though to the extreme; if a tenant died in their suite (with automatic debit setup) do you feel the landlord should simply "keep taking the rent" for months / years after the tenants death? 

Yearly is the absolute minimum that any tenant should be in contact with the landlord IMO.  Both parties need to be clear and clearly communicate their intentions and interests.  The status quo is not something that anyone should assume "keeps going forever". 

MPI has this information:

I'd recommend calling and talking to MPI about the situation.

Per the drivers and vehicle act (18.2(1)); medical professionals must report such situations to MPI (or the province the person's license is issued in) but has no requirement to inform the paitent of this. The "Report is privileged" in the following section, and the doctor should NOT discuss this with you (or anyone else!)

Such reports trigger a notice to the "Medical Review Committee" which must make a decision if the person is safe to drive or not; that could take a few weeks. EITHER WAY: the paitent will need their healthcare professional to make a sworn statement to MPI stating that they feel it's safe for the person to resume driving (potentially with restrictions)

If you have questions about this process, I'd recommend speaking with a lawyer about the situation.

Assuming 500SFM, with a 0.004" chipload per tooth, you would need to maintain 15KRPM at over 1500mm/min

To minimize rubbing and reduce melting, you need to maximize the chipload per tooth (per the cutter geometry) 

Either way, an air blast and vacuum to remove chips would be fairly essential to minimize recutting which is going to be a major contributor to melting. 

What's on the other end of that cable?

Its possible that the other end of that wire is fed by an input connector that is wired up backwards. 

What engine is on it?

I'd take a look for the engine model number, and go find the manual for the engine if it was not included.

It should be pretty clear from that.

Alternatively: does it have spark plugs? 

If yes: it's a gas engine.   If not, it's 99.999% likely diesel. 

We actually do it the other way around; we do "date night" weekly on Tuesday around dinner time and then go buy groceries afterwards.

We're never hungry when shopping, and thus we buy less food and ignore anything we don't know we need for the week. 

Drone shows are way better than fireworks IMO. 

IT Manager

As answered elsewhere in the thread: manageengine.  That said, staff access is all HTTP based to applications containing sensitive data: it's pretty easy to work the other way around.  Zero trust,: assume every endpoint is holed at all times. Never trust a device to be "safe". 

IT Manager

We do VERY minimal end device work with it, little more beyond reporting and the occasional remote support. 

I have no major complaints with it at all. 

We are a web company, so there's nothing installed on devices beyond a web browser, slack, and end-user installed (and self-supported) IDE's to taste.   

Obviously each department has their own needs but that's on them to support.  RDP client for finance, Adobe suite for the design team, etc. 

TBH: it's the best environment I've worked in. 

IT Manager

We're a mac-only shop that runs Google workspace (and zero Microsoft products) across 1400+ staff.

What would your local admin/user login strategy look like on the macs?

Each user gets a full local admin.

What RMM and EDR would you utilize?

Today we use manageengine for RMM and sentinelone for MDR. 

 > Any downsides to using Gsuite for mail and drive instead of M365?

Depends on the org and use case. 

If everything is done correctly and you're "far" from the street and the stars consistently align: your specific home may not need a backflow valve. 

However all it takes is a blockage being knocked loose and temp blocking the sewer main to make your stack the lowest pressure outlet, backflowing sewage into your plumbing system. If you have any outlets that sewage can escape from it will prefer that path over pressurizing all the way to your roof. 

Backflow valves are a good idea in plumbing systems, though they CAN fail and do need to be maintained and replaced, so some may prefer to take the chance.  (A faulty backflow valve can itself cause sewer backup in the home!) 

This happens every few years in all areas of the city.

Do you have a backflow prevent valve? Is it working? 

It's unlikely to cause any problems, the precautions list there is overkill for like 90%+ of homes, but some homes are more susceptible to the pressure changes than others (based on the layout of the sewer main and your branch) 

The actual clean-out process basically involves opening up two manholes at once, one at the "bottom" of the tree (high pressure) and one at the "top" of the tree (suction) and supplying high pressure water, collecting it at the suction end. 

If your sewer main is connected properly, it will be pointing "away" from the high pressure side and then your sewer line will get a small "cleaning" for free (through the Venturi effect).  If it's installed "square" to the sewer main, some water will push its way into the pipe, but there should be basically no change in your home unless you are VERY close to the street.  If it's installed "backwards", or the team doing the cleaning performs the cleanout backwards (which tends to occur in really old or really new areas due to unclear records) then they will be blasting high pressure water into your plumbing.  This could cause some discharge from some openings (thus the precautions card)

Glad to help!

Best of luck, sounds like a fun project! 

How much contact surface do you actually want?

If you want 100%, then surface grinding is ok: but you need to keep in mind that it's going to be impossible to indicate that surface perpendicular to the sides, and unless you machine and grind both faces, they will not be parallel.  Depending on your grinding setup and final use case, this may be important or it may not. 

Three ground surfaces requires abrasive. If the surface roughness is high, a small number of contact points are going to be in contact with each other, meaning you're going to make quicker work getting each pair to mate as "flat". 

The larger the surface, the less contact you're actually going to want. Even going down to 50% would dramatically reduce the amount of grinding needed while still providing the needed reference surface.

At 100% contact, If a 4 foot parallel has a single grain of sand that's 0.05mm across under one end, it's going to embed itself into the steel and prevent the parallel from printing a surface. A lower percentage dramatically improves usability, as the statistic chance that small imperfections hit the peaks drops as contact percentage goes down (and a simple cloth wipe nearly eliminates the chance of a bad read between 50-75%)

Tool longevity is also something to consider; at 95-100% contact between plates you're going to be removing nearly all the surface protectant each use, where a lower contact percentage will retain in the valleys leading to dramatically longer tool life. 

Ultimately, the use of the tool will dictate the need here: are you looking to make a parallel to measure planar flatness over several feet? Or are you trying to measure local deviation?   A long parallel only really needs three-to-five points of contact to accurately measure something like a lathe bed with printing; where the same parallel needs high contact percentage if you're intending to run an indicator along it to measure something like a linear rails localized parallelism. 

(Hope some of that gives you some ideas and makes any sense!) 

48" long surface grinders aren't trivial to come by; I'd expect most local shops would send it out.

Standard Machine Works / Wesley Machine Shop / NC Machine and Tool would be my go-to's; but IIRC each only offers ~36 inch surface grinding.

Are you planning to whitworth the three together to get flats? if so; surface grinding may acually add more work depending on how flat (and how much contact) you actually want.

anyone ever used this style of t8 lead screw nut block thing?

Many times.

how is it?

They are junk.

is it really "anti backlash" as they advertise?

No: There is no backlash adjustment on that block.

In THEORY; if tapped slightly under sized; these POM blocks will be very minimal backlash.. until the begin to wear. (which is going to be rather quickly).

This style: has a set screw and jam nut that is used to "stretch" the two ends of the nut apart (allowing you to take up the backlash in the nut).


POM; (the plastic in use here) will wear over time. The backlash adjutment will need to be set every few tens-of-hours-of-runtime; the more hours on the nut the wider the backlash is going to get until adjusted.

So you admit you purposely block and impede the normal and reasonable flow of traffic?

reasonable flow does not include people speeding. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm a highway driver that actually slows down when someone signals to pass me and is happy to keep right when doing the speed limit. 

The faster the speeders can run into an officer and be ticketed, the better for everyone. 

But someone changing into the left lane and passing someone on the right, is in absolutely no way blocking the "normal and reasonable flow of traffic".  They are impeding speeders from abnormal unreasonable use of a public road to which they have no legal right to use as such.

Regardless of the speed of travel though, anyone driving in the left lane on a twinned highway for any longer than is needed to pass another vehicle or to properly establish for a left turn should absolutely have their license taken away. 

There are dozens of cases of people making left turns on highways in Manitoba getting rear ended at 125km/h+ because some inpatient asshole decided that passing someone doing the speed limit seemed like a good idea".   One of those cases was my dad.