Tear The Fascists Down-Woody Guthrie

I came here to say "All You Fascists Bound to Lose".

The wind is blowing to the right, obviously.

Look, I would never claim that you were using some cheeky sentence construction to allow you to pretend that you weren't promoting violence when you clearly were, but...

Sure. Some people think that it is "good advice" to tell a 16 year old that they don't know, and who is in a situation that they know almost nothing about, to engage in violence that could end up poorly for the kid in any number of ways. And some people think that is "bad advice". Subjective.


"These comments are going to contain some very bad advice."

<clicks on comments>


What do you mean by "inside" of roasted garlic?

I'm sure you are right, but the website makes it sound like we would have some input:

Request a specific canyon or choose the best route with your guide on the day of your trip. No experience is necessary.

We would obviously reply on the guide's expertise, but we also wanted to do our research beforehand to see if there was anything specific that would appeal to us.

Canyon Recommendations for Guided Tour

My wife and I are signed up to do a "High Adventure Canyon Tour" with Red Desert Adventure next week. According to the info page for the tour, we will have some options for canyons. I have listed those below.

Does anyone have any recommendations? We've never been canyoneering before, so I can't really say what we are looking for. We are fairly active, with a lot of hiking, climbing, and scrambling experience.

Here is our list of options:


  • Top of Water Canyon
  • Cherry Canyon
  • North Fork of Oak Creek
  • (combination of canyons below)
  • Lambs Knoll
  • Yankee Doodle
  • East Quail
  • Solar Canyon
  • Bitter Creek
  • Cottonwood Creek


  • Monument Creek
  • (combination of canyons below)
  • Birch Hollow
  • Hidden Hollow
  • Lower Red Cave
  • Unnamed Canyon
  • Upper Red Cave
  • Diane’s Canyon (aka Huntress)
  • White Lamanite

Also it is kind of surprising and unlikely that there's a simple connection

I don't understand your point. There is no "connection" here. It's just math.

Are the following observations coincidences?

abba + 102 = 1323

abed + 69 = 1323

acai + 4 = 1323

I don't understand what is "surprising" or "interesting" about any of this.


/u/eli_liam /u/officiallyaninja

According to Cambridge:

Coincidence: an occasion when two or more similar things happen at the same time, especially in a way that is unlikely and surprising.

According to Miriam Webster:

Coincidence: the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection.

There is nothing unlikely, surprising, or remarkable about ACAB + 11 = 1323. And there is no real connection. If the answer to the question had been 1324, then /u/yParticle would have said ACAB + 12 = 1324.

The core principle that /u/yParticle is observing is that if you have two numbers x and y, with x < y, then you can add something to x to get y. That is hardly a coincidence.

Why is it "wild" that it "works"? There isn't any interesting observation here. There is no relationship, and not even a coincidence.

Oh, man. I really want to see more transforming micro-builds now.

I appreciate how people keep telling you that you are wrong (and you are wrong), but you keep doubling down on this claim.


I suppose the kid shouldn't be locked up. I guess. But I am inclined to say that I don't think his identity should be protected. If this kid is allowed to just walk free, other people (especially the parents of other children) should know what he did.

I am sure that most people will disagree with that, and probably for good, or even great reasons. I won't pretend I have gamed out all of the moral implications of this. But I don't feel like anyone, 7 years old or not, should be able to murder someone in cold blood and be able just walk away from that with no repercussions and with there being no public record of the event.

I have used both (and just about every other productivity and task management app available). I like Todoist, and was using it long before I'd heard of Notion. But ultimately, I always come back to Notion for tracking my tasks.

This is not called "Castle Rock". It is The Old Man of Storr on the Isle of Skye.


Desktop 3.4.2

GRRM's writing of Ned was genius. The reader/viewer obviously sees him as the main character and roots for him, and is shocked by his death. In retrospect, you realize how ill-suited Ned was for playing The Game, and you see that he made critical missteps at every step along the way. But those missteps are realistic and believable, and are results of the characteristics that made Ned a beloved character.

It is a terrific way of showing the reader/viewer that this world is harsh, and that is not the story that we likely thought it was. And it is perfectly true to Ned's character, and doesn't devalue the character. I also appreciate that although he wasn't in the story long, Ned Stark continues to cast a long shadow and to be relevant to the story.

Overlapping UI ElementsRequest/Bug

I have recently noticed that on my work computer the UI elements in the upper right corner overlap with that standard Windows UI buttons. This is show below.


This problem occurs when I have a single page open. When I have multiple pages open in tabs, the Notion UI elements are pushed down to a lower row.


Any ideas why this is happening, or how to fix this? I have reinstalled, but that didn't help. I am on Windows 10.

Unfortunately, I don't remember off-hand what they were, and I don't have access to my copy at the moment.

As far as I am concerned, "off-hand" is where most of the advantages of a base-ten system are.

I am skeptical about there being compelling reasons to choose base 10 over base 12.

The Clash - London Calling

The Pogues - Rum Sodomy and the Lash

Rancid - And Out Come the Wolves

Stiff Little Fingers - Inflammable Material

Okay... That last one is a bit of a wild card. I am honestly not sure what number 4 is for me.