Neopixel blades have been available in saberforge hilts for a long, long time. These are ultra saber type of of thick, and they look bad, they really should've just used saberforge hilts and done cgi for the blades in post production like they have for literally decades now. The neopixel/real light up blades look terrible on screen and make it look super amateurish.

Hand sanitizer works in a pinch because of the alcohol content.

Bro this is just straight up cursed, no blessed part about this.

Strongest economy in the world?? Ha! Yeah, okay, sure. Tell that to the record inflation we've been seeing, to overinflated prices of food, gas, housing, and utilities.

Biden has literally decimated the American economy, I have absolutely zero faith in him and his abilities to make any sort of positive change.

He didn't want him back, that's why in the graveyard they were all chewed out except for wormtail, they were all scolded saying they only came to him out of fear, not out of loyalty.

It's very clear that they don't need wands, most magical beings except humans don't need wands to do magic. So "denying" them a wand doesn't mean anything, it's not hindering their magical abilities. A wand for a human helps them channel their magic and use it to do what they want since human's wandless magic tends to be either very difficult or very wild and chaotic.

House elves want to work, if they're without a master then they feel worthless and basically suicidal. It hasn't been engrained in their mind by wizards, it's just how they are. How you treat your house elf says a lot, the Malfoys were absolutely horrible and treated Dobby worse than garbage, but if the Weasley's had a house elf you know that Molly would've loved it and treated it just like another child (except for clothes obviously). Whether the family views it as a status symbol depends on how they would treat the house elf, much like in modern society there are iPhone snobs that get the latest iPhone and make their personality that they own an iPhone and how terrible Android is, but there are other iPhone users that just prefer the UI and like it better than an android phone.

By the so-called loving, supportive, and inclusive trans and trans allies community.

They eat whatever munitions and lasers I throw at them until they're full... of liberty and freedom.

Just like Kenobi and Book of Boba Fett, a few good scenes or choreographed fights isn't nearly enough to excuse the worst writing and biggest disrespect to the franchise and to fans that we've seen to date.

Assuming the fastest you could spam avada kedavra is like maybe 2 a second vs an M16 or another similar gun used by military that fires at a rate of 20+ rounds per second... I'm gonna go with the military. If you say "accio guns and/or tanks" then that's cool, you have taken away some of the guns that you can see but now you also have hundreds of bulky, heavy, metallic projectiles launching towards your face (especially if it's a tank). There's no way a modern military would be beaten by even a trained army of wizards.

Bingo. That's the biggest issue here that I still don't understand how people miss. Plus this is a very minor plot "inconsistency" compared to whatever Disney has been doing with Star Wars.

Yeah, it sucks too much to even be discussed.

If that is the case then I agree, but if it's trying to claim there's still slavery or any amount of actual disgusting discrimination in America then they're completely wrong. Especially with DEI and affirmative action being in the mix, people of colour have it easier now more than ever in society and the job market (obviously barring racism which happens to literally everyone at one point or another because bigots are stupid and love to indoctrinate others to keep their hatred alive).

New Jersey Tumblers

The one place worse than hell.

Just name your kid Havarti and don't give them any sort of a nickname. Your child is cheese now.

AAAAAAHHHHHH! He's just so good at it!

Tbh I'd probably be like, "I'm so sorry I'm actually in the wrong class!" And then leave. No one needs to be called out or feel weird about it except me.

If I had to choose then the sword, probably cuts really well.

I'm proud of you, I'm so sick of hearing about Taylor Swift. She's possibly the most annoying person on the planet.

It's been all but explicitly confirmed by Ahmed Best.