They will always be a limited outlet for racists and the elderly.

It would really depend on how you had "failed", in order to troubleshoot it may be necessary to take it apart.

Yes, there are a lot of racists who will vote for them

It is hard to understand the mentality of men who mistakenly think visible muscles are anything to do with biological sex.

I suspect projection due to their latent homosexuality and the confusion that muscles on women causes them.

True, most right wingers are toffs who wouldn't understand the technology or the illiterate who think that the rich must be right.

Yup, just checked the temps

Room temp 25C

Idle 41C (16C over ambient)

Cinebench R23 multi processor test, max temp 77C (52C over ambient).

Cinebench R23 multi processor score 14150

My 7600 non X doesn't get hot, I also have a mostly unemployed Peerless Assassin on it.

Tip, get the non X

On a computer obviously, calculators only have some of them.

This assumes that the money of Billionaires doesn't come from everyone else.

Surprisingly many people don't understand what money is though so I suppose they think Billionaires are just printing it.

It all comes down to how practical this is

“The Welsh government will bring forward legislation before 2026 for the disqualification of members and candidates found guilty of deliberate deception through an independent judicial process, and will invite the committee to make proposals to that effect,” he told the Senedd on Tuesday evening.

In the case of Trump, you would need 24*7 constant monitoring because his track record of 30000+ lies in office means that the sheer volume is a problem.

As I understand it, repeating a libel or slanderous allegation but prefacing it with "allegedly" or "it has been claimed" doesn't constitute a defence. The reason I mention this is that it is hard to think of other untrue statements that end up with the person making them in court.

Lying in elected office should be a criminal offence, punishable only by jail.

Anyone who thinks the Tories are left wing has a framed portrait of Hitler at home

There are people with a reading age that low and an understanding of news and current affairs even lower.

It would be interesting to see the same map created by native Americans.

Fascinating that the word "immigrant" means "someone who arrived after me"

You can't even get a decent meal in a strip club on campaign expenses for that.

Yes they clearly are right but for the wrong reasons given. I have a lifetime of experience with UK weather and the times I have been to Victoria and NSW, the weather and climate was totally unlike UK. Whoever chose England as a comparator has a very odd idea of English weather, even Ventnor, The Scilly Isles and Jersey (the warmest/sunniest UK spots) are not even close.