110% this. I would much rather a list of companies/products to stop buy with alternatives than celebrities to block. If blocking makes you feel better than go for it! I just dont want to waste my time sifting through hollywood to see who said what (because lets be real what really matters is whwre there money is going). That being said, Amy schumer and the like who keep posting pro-genocide article deserve to have the worst day possible.

If you're making your spouse choose between you and their children, then just leave. You obviously don't love your spouse if you're willing to hurt him at this level. Op, not only are you the asshole. You might be the devil.

I'm loving it. They got the whole vibe right

Disagree! I used to work with kids and they're not inherently violent. Its the way we/society socializes their children that breed violence and hatred.

Jesus christ. Capitalism really is the devil.

I have really big disney style brown eyes. Also, I'm thicc but I jave a KILLER hoursglass figure

She needs to learn to use the plunger. True love is not subjecting your partner to your toxic ass waste

bahahahahhaha oh my god πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you should take this to facebook, you'd do better there.

Can confirm carleton= hot and dumb. Jock school fosho

The downvotes are adorable 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

As stated before on a different comment, Ihave a single account.. 2. This is a cute tactic to avoid taking any accountability for what you say. Go clean your room before your mom grounds you, child.

All your comments have likes on them too...from your own accounts. Jesus christ at least be smart if you double down

My account upvotes all my comments..... I honestly don't know what to say to this insane narrative. Are you 12? I'm very sure you're a child.

Girlie, do you want a crown for assuming shit incorrectly? I don't know how I can disprove this but I only have a single account to my name πŸ˜‚

Oh my god you absolute asshole. Your use of two isolated words doesn't change the implication of what you were saying. If your going to be a keyboard warrior at least get a decent grasp of english language. When you imply that filming sex is the objectification of women, you negate the thousands of women who feel empowerd by doing this and own their sexuality this way. You say context is everything but there is ZERO context here so you filled the gaps with assumptions that come off as seriously shaming to women.

You know that your were heavily implying that the only reason sex is filmed is for patriarchal reasons. Just own it and stop trying to back track what you said. Its embarassing

You provided exactly one reason for men to film sex and that implies that this is your main assumption of motivation. You also put a lot of your own assumptions on others in that you think the OP's bf was "sneaking" filming when you don't know if it was intentionally hidden or not (we don't have the context to know for sure so conclusions are assumption based). You also, casually implied that another reddit user films women without their consent which in itself is pretty skeevy. Lets stop painting with broad brushes ya? Conext is everything and assumptions lead to wrong conclusions.

I would typically agree with you but alcohol DOES play a huge factor in this situation. OP says they're straight up drunk, nobody drunk makes good decisions. I would also like to add that we don't know if they spoke of boundaries before knocking boots or not. Her feelings of violation are 100% valid and he crossed a line without a doubt. OP needs to decide if the relationship is worth having that convo. If this happened to me with a short lived fling then I would have thrown him on the street naked af and cleaned his phone memory before chucking it out the window. If this happned with my husband, we would talk about it when we were sober and I would make a judgement on that. Mistakes happen, even big ones, OP just has to decide if this person is worth working through his mistake or not.

OP, if you're drunk then I would say get some space and sleep on it. I don't think anybody but you can tell you what your next steps should be. I would bring this up with him again when you're both sober and you can judge whether you trust him enough to stay. Sexual boundaries can be really tricky if you're both intoxicated, I've had partners cross a line they didn't know about until we hit it. Continuous consent is so important and he should have asked to film you, I can see the intoxication playing a factor in that lapse in judgement. I'd say his reaction to you feeling so violated is what's important here he needs to own up to the fact that he crossed a line and make a change to either not have sex while drunk or make sure that there is continuous consent. No wrong answer here.

You 110% are trying to sway people. The only person here with their knickers in a knot is you.

Sorry I burst your "I am the industry" persona. Also, if you can say whatever you want then so can I? Go cry somewhere else.

I don't believe that anybody really owns music lore. Anecdotal evidence by some person on the internet doesn't exactly sway people. Taking people at face value is hilariously niaeve especially when there are SO many people who claim wild shit. If a musician tells a story, especially an unverified touring story, take it with a grain of salt. Again, pretty much everything in the story and in the book is all very generic touring stories I can't see any one person having their "story" being taken. Hence why no legal action came of it. From all the musicians I know (you aren't the only one who knows peopleπŸ˜‰) the movie is a story that every musician sees themselves in. Further, you haven't even seen the movie so acting like your buddy being upset is somehow verifying that the director stole the story is wild since you have no idea what the story the director was telling. It diminishes the art that the author poured into the book, the work everybody on the movie did and all the artistic choices they made. You can have your fun myths and lore, but don't claim them as truth or your own, especially when commenting negatively on people's art.