This is the opening I’m most excited about

You need to see a doctor and get bloodwork done. The lab results should indicate what’s going on.

No one here can diagnose you based on your short description alone.

Yep just purchased a Mach-E last month after years of saving up for a Model X. Changed plans for several reasons including questionable Tesla leadership

South Dakotans sure do love their nanny state! Wouldn’t have it any other way


Lasers plus drones >>> fireworks

Should’ve euthanized the human just sayin absolutely idiotic

Bone broth ain’t overrated it earns it’s reputation

No way he’s been plotting his own rescue by men in uniform


Yes a few sentences put together makes a paragraph

For someone claiming to “not care about her looks” you wrote an entire paragraph talking only about the way she looks. A little self awareness goes a long way


40% obesity statewide and 100% of the men in these photos are overweight but sure, let’s only call out the skinny woman as “unwell”

Point stands she deserves criticism for her performance but it’s ad hominem to attack the way she looks

Life finds a way. There have been multiple mass extinction events over millions of years and Earth has millions if not billions of years left to run so don’t worry too much about it just enjoy the ride while you’re here!


There’s so much to legitimately criticize about this puppy killer and you chose..skinny shaming?

To state the obvious the planet isn’t being killed instead the habitability is being destroyed, Earth will be fine even get better without us


Sure ICE fanboys care deeply about engine size, transmission specs, etc but I’m positive it ain’t that deep for the parking lot lady she literally called it “VROOM VROOM” not “audible feedback”. Personally I appreciate my MME for its lack of archaic tech, lack of exhaust smell and definitely lack of motor noise


You heard him, he says voters cannot “just vote her out” so that settles it, elections are meaningless because this rando redditor decided it and he also used the lords name in vain so it must be true

gainer full

Impressed you can set so low and throw dub. Positive you can hit trip setting at a proper height


Yep some folks are so attached to familiarity they pass on improvement opportunities


Very attainable? First off most Bay Area properties go for well over asking, but still assuming $1M and $250k annual (pre-tax mind you), you’re talking at least $250k cash downpayment to qualify at 3x salary, how many families may have that? At 8% that’s over $6k monthly escrow, not at all insignificant. I’m talking $250k household (2 or more incomes, or 1 income supporting multiple people and generations)

A SINC that’s ok with an apartment or condo, sure they should be good but again, less abundant than single earner boomers with large families during that era